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4k Visualizations

Don’t just visualize.

Do deep visualizations.

They are not the same practice.

Until you can see in 4k clarity who you want to become, you’ll continue acting in standard definition—i.e. in the same standard manner you always have.

But with 4k clarity, you can start acting in ways your most powerful version would… because you can see, feel, and even hear everything that that version of you does—all the way down to how they move their arm from bed to alarm clock first thing in the morning.

It’s just a matter of bringing that version into focus by upgrading the TV of your mind.

Referencing a 1990’s, box and antenna, blurry-at-best definition screen won’t take you to 4k land.

4k land requires 4k vision.

It’s time to upgrade.

Published inArchivesDirection MattersLiving Well