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Month: March 2024

Caring Enough To Do Our Part

Today, for lunch, I ate at a local Mexican restaurant.

I ordered a bowl that I told them I was going to eat there.

And yet, they covered my bowl with a plastic lid… they put my dressing in a plastic to-go cup… they put my meal in a plastic to-go bag (my table was 10 feet away)… and the forks were all single wrapped in plastic on the side…

…And nobody blinked.

…Not even one second thought.

So I took my food to a table… took off the lid… poured on my dressing… unwrapped my fork… and sat there and just looked at all of the wasted plastic that I was going to have to needlessly throw away…

Next time… I’m going out of my way to request no lid. I’m going to ask for the dressing to be put right on top. I’m going to ask they don’t put it in a bag—a tray will do just fine. And I’m going to see if I can bring my travel reusable silverware.

Obviously, not wasting plastic isn’t in any of the employees’ job description. But, maybe it should be in our job description as humans living on this earth.

Because plastic is a problem—a major problem.

…And everybody is pointing at big companies and government officials to solve the problem.

But, if we can’t care enough to do our part in our day-to-day… don’t you think it’s pretty hypocritical of us to think “they” should not only do theirs—but enough to cover ours, too?

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

I Am Relaxation; I Am Here; I Am Now

I struggled for a while to find the words today.

I stared at the blank screen. I went for a walk. I tried pressuring myself. I tried referencing old writing ideas… I even tried replaying old experiences in my mind.

And to no avail.

It wasn’t until after two-ish hours that I caught a whiff of a potential takeaway…

Struggling to uncover what’s inner is never time wasted—so long as you stay true to the struggle.

…The thoughts I had to go to certain websites for inner inspiration were nothing more than distractions leading me away from my inner focus.

And the thoughts I had to pressure myself so that I could more quickly squeeze the inner were cheap attempts that only resulted in juice from superficial layers.

And the thoughts I had to expand on old thoughts fell short because I was no longer connected to that frame of mind—faded inner experiences.

It was just before I started (finally) writing this piece that I found myself repeating the following lines as personal writing advice: “I am not this tension; I am not these distractions; I am not these words of yesterday.”

“I am relaxation; I am here; I am now.”

“…And what do I honestly have to say about it?”


Today my friend told me about this support group text that his friend started.

The friend would simply pick a person and send to the group, “Hey guys, let’s all support Mike today.”

And Mike would then become the focus of that group’s gratitude, encouragement, and support. Be it through messages, phone calls, random acts of kindness, gifts, stories, or whatever. All random name selection and came with no catch—it was simply about creating a small group of do-gooders.

And I just thought this was the greatest little big idea that I simply had to share.

Imagine how great that would feel to be the picked person for that day…

Imagine how great it would feel to be the person making others feel great for the day…

Imagine creating your own little group of do-gooders in your own family/ friend/ community group and how great it might feel to run it for a year…

Imagine starting it tonight…