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Month: April 2023

Nuggets Everywhere

Things I heard others say while on vacation that bear repeating:

“Living in paradise is no paradise if you don’t have the ones you love to share it with.”

“When I’m browsing books, I open to a random page, read that page, and if it makes me want to read the next page, I buy the book.”

“Everything will be okay in the end. And if it isn’t okay… it isn’t the end.

P.s. This was my vacation reflection from Sunday, April 23, 2023.

Life Balance From A DJ

When you watch a really great DJ play a live set, you see a beautiful balance worth emulating.

They’ll put their headphones on and focus intensely on the next track—keenly preparing for what’s to come and how to transition most brilliantly.

And then—and this is where most of us miss—when the transition is about to happen, they take their headphones off, grab the audience by the hand, and jump, pump, and JAM OUT as they celebrate the byproduct of their work.

Focus on preparing the whole time and you miss moments worth celebrating. Jump, pump, and jam the whole time and you won’t be DJing at all—you’ll be playing someone else’s track.

Get this balance right… of putting your life energy into your work and then celebrating key moments along the way… and you’ll unlock a level of life fulfillment that’s worth raving about.

P.s. I was on vacation this past weekend which is why I haven’t published my daily writings—but that doesn’t mean I didn’t write. This was my reflection from Saturday, April 22, 2023.

Language Dreams

As I took my seat on a flight today, I couldn’t help but notice my neighbor using sign language over FaceTime. He was presumably speaking to a friend who was signing back over the tiny screen that was propped up in the back of his airplane seat.

I watched in wonder as the two of them fired back and forth hand manipulations and body gestures that contained the depth and precision of the entire Merriam-Webster dictionary.

A few hours later, long after the FaceTime call ended, I saw this gentlemen signing again. But, there wasn’t anyone around who had been signing with him the whole trip so I took a closer look and realized… he was dozing off. In the midst of falling asleep, he was signing… his dreams and/or thoughts.

I have no idea what they were, but boy did this light me up.

It reminded me of a time when I studied extra hard for an oral Spanish final and dreamed in Spanish the night it was over. It didn’t last very long, but it blew my mind the morning after.

We dream in the language we know. And not just that—we dream within the confines of the words (gestures) we know inside the language. If you want to dream more deeply, more vividly, more precisely—not just while you sleep, but while you’re awake—explore the depths of your language.

Don’t Force The Pen

Oftentimes, my best writing comes from situations when I’m not thinking about writing (or what to write) at all.

I just open myself up to new experiences, new people, new perspectives, etc… and let curiosity guide the pen across my mind.

Inner work prompt: How long have you been following the same general routine? When was the last time you were uncharacteristically spontaneous? Can you do or plan something now?

Lightness Through Heaviness

There are zero pictures of me at my worst.

Why? Because I either refused to have them taken or destroyed them.

This is not the way.

It’s important to appreciate each stage of the journey.

Even the stages when you feel awful, ugly, stupid, hopeless, and/or unloveable. Buried deep within all that heaviness is an all-powerful, infinitely-renewable energy source that can propel you forward in ways unimaginable to the person who has only been granted lightness.

Lightness is an ideal—yes.

But, heaviness is an incredible tool.

And those who arrive at lightness through heaviness—feel raw lightness in a way that others only know how to take for granted.

And lightness taken for granted isn’t lightness experienced at all.

P.s. In Meditation #4 of The Art of Forward, I share a very similar concept as the one above titled, “The Ocean of Emotion Within.” Here’s a link to that meditation for free. :)

Guest Appearance On: Anecdotes For Success

Anecdotes for Success is a storytelling based podcast that highlights life experiences to help listeners level up and live their best lives.

In this episode, I share highlights of my story. We talk about martial arts, character development, business philosophy, teaching strategies, overcoming imposter syndrome, and more—all in about 53 minutes.

Hopefully, some of what’s shared will help you level up and/or live your life in a better way. Enjoy :)

P.s. You can listen to other podcast episodes I’ve appeared on here.

Recognizing the Dream in the Moment

“I dream of days like this…”

…Was said to me by an older gentlemen I play basketball with.

It was the first outdoor game of the season. It was sunny, seventy, calm (no wind)—and filled with the type of meditative chaos that 15 guys playing basketball would bring.

And it wasn’t until he said it that I realized… I, too, was in the midst of a moment that I dreamed of during the long, depressing, wintry-mix months that dominate Buffalo weather.

And all-of-a-sudden, I started receiving the day from a whole new perspective.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.