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Month: March 2023

No Waste On Weather

Dear busy person,

The weather is out of your control. So don’t spend even more than one minute complaining about it. No good will come from it. All that will come is a worsened mood, wasted time, and a rippling effect of the same into the lives of those whom you’re connected with. You’re already busy enough. Just for today, practice complete acceptance. Whatever weather comes, comes. Whatever weather goes, goes. And how you respond is: dress for the weather regardless—while sheltering your inner weather from any unnecessary skews or upsets along the way. And if today goes well, maybe you do the same tomorrow?


Your inner work person

P.s. If you’re busy, you can read my other letters to you here.

Grow Your World

Our world shrinks and grows in proportion to our courage.

How is courage built?

By feeling fear and acting anyway—relative to what’s just slightly outside of our comfort zone.

Try to go too far and we’ll fight, flight, or freeze. Not going far enough has no impact. It’s the mindful flex forward on the “just right” amount of fear that allows us to grow our worlds.

P.s. 35 Osho Quotes on Courage and Why Life Is Better Lived Dangerously

The Language Of The Inner

Do NOT underestimate the power of:

  • Dreams
  • Daydreaming
  • Visualizing
  • Play
  • Art

One of the primary ways our deepest self communicates with our conscious self is via symbolism/ abstraction/ art.

What I’ve been taking for granted for most of my life, I’m slowly learning, are key insights encoded as symbolic messages from deep within.

Not Special

It’s in recognizing that I am imperfect that the foundation of my practice is formed.

  • If I don’t choose exercise… I know I’ll choose gluttony.
  • If I don’t choose reading… I know I’ll default to screen time.
  • If I don’t choose writing… I know I’ll excuse my poor thinking.
  • If I don’t choose sleeping… I know I’ll lean on caffeine.
  • If I don’t choose courage… I know I’ll find clever ways to hide.

What fuels my daily practice isn’t some special force. It’s precisely the knowing that I’m not special—that I am no more immune to the temptations of the world than others—that fuels me.

I know for a fact that if I don’t make time for the things I listed above… I’ll undoubtedly choose what’s most appealing to my lazy/ ignorant/ unclear/ tired/ fearful self.

I know this because I’ve lived it. And because I’ve lived it and have felt deeply the long-term consequences of my many imperfect decisions… I am able to see more clearly in the now and iterate towards better.

Never perfect is the goal. Always improving is the path. Not as imperfect as before is the winning metric.

…And that’s the foundation that I know I can keep building on.

P.s. If you like that I choose writing… you can support my future work by grabbing me a coffee here. :)

Balancing Up And Down

Our roots entrench themselves deeper through inner work.

Our branches extend themselves out further through outer engagement.

If you find yourself uneasy, ridden with anxiety, like your standing on unstable ground…

It’s root work that’s needed.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that something more is needed from the outer (money, status, travel, etc). It’ll only end up making you feel more unstable by further extending out your branches without having any effect on the depth of your roots.

Proportional is what makes the tree stand firm.

We move up by going down. And the more we go down… the higher up we can go. Go too high without enough down… and we’ll tip and crash. Find the balance in up and down and stable, calm, secure, is where we’ll be found.

P.s. Know someone who may enjoy reading these? This is me kindly asking if you’d forward it to them :)


Our self-worth increases proportionally to the amount of time spent doing inner work.

If we never prioritize our SELF… how can we expect to realize all that we are?

Like modern media, what garners the most attention proportionally holds the most worth.

Make YOU the channel you spend the most time on.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Custom Fit

No such thing as a problem-free life.

Only a life with problems that we enjoy solving more than others.

Those who understand this stop trying to curate a utopian lifestyle and start doing the important work of exchanging/ upgrading problems for a custom-fit lifestyle instead.

P.s. This was inspired by a Mark Manson quote you’ll find on this list.