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Month: February 2023

Dress For The Weather

If there’s anything Buffalo, New York teaches you it’s to dress for the weather—not to be weather dependent.

We’ll go from subzero, pneumonia-inducing, blizzard weather to sunny and 70 within the span of a day and STILL get all of our daily tasks done without missing much of a beat.

Those who wait for “sunny and 70” or allow their moods to follow the moods of the weather, outsource control of their power.

The power that allows them to dress for the weather, keep their internal temperature “sunny and 70” regardless of how cold and cloudy it is on the outside, and get on with it.

P.s. I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work—so that they can live better lives. If these daily pieces have warmed you up in any way, you can warm my cup up here if you feel so inclined :) ☕️

Relaxed Confidence

When you learn to relax inside tense moments with other people, you allow yourself to notice things you’d otherwise miss.

Things like ulterior motives (what’s the real driver behind the actions), underlying beliefs (what’s being said that’s usually being protected by formality), hidden character traits (what’s different in people’s actions when tension is present)—all while keeping a heightened sense of awareness of the environment you’re in.

Letting tension tense you up is a mistake.

When you find yourself in a tense environment, practice relaxing by slowing your breathing, dropping your shoulders, relaxing your facial muscles and tongue, and pausing before responding—right to the point where the silence is starting to feel awkward.

Then, respond with clarity; respond with patience; respond with a more complete understanding of the situation—respond with a relaxed confidence that the best leaders and speakers do when inside some of the most tense moments fathomable.

P.s. What To Do When The “Weight Of The World” Is On Your Shoulders.

Mind Weight

Thoughts drain energy like movement drains energy.

Anyone who has sat at a desk for an entire day knows. You could have not gotten up once—not have spent a single calorie from physical movement—and still finished feeling like you unloaded an entire house’s worth of furniture from a moving truck that day—by yourself.

Which is simply to say: if your thoughts are rushing, bustling, and heavy—you’re going to tire more quickly.

And so if you want to do more inside your days—or maybe just do the things you’re doing better/ with more alertness and vitality—you have to learn to let go.

…Let go of the arguments you’re no longer having. Let go of the feelings of comparison that are making you feel like you’re not good enough. Let go of the self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs that do nothing but add weight to your mind.

In a world that’s obsessed with increasing energy levels through inputs… coffee… espressos… energy bars/ shots/ gummies/ etc… Maybe focusing on lighting your load is where you’ll actually get the greatest results… through meditation… journaling… therapeutic conversation… etc.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Life’s Sunset

It isn’t usually until retirement that people look closely at the direction of their life…

And realize, at the sunset of their life, that they’ve gone in a wrong direction (hopefully not).

When you flip that paradigm on its head and slowly inspect your direction now… you get to make the necessary adjustments that’ll minimize (or mitigate) the regret of later.

And you’ll be able to relax as you watch your sunset marvelously paint your life’s sky.

Full Send

One of the best feelings in the world is the one that immediately follows a 100%, fully committed effort.

I can’t think of a single time when I’ve regretted doing my absolute best.

But, I can think of countless times when I’ve regretted holding back.

Optimize For Boredom

One thing the most prolific among us do differently is they optimize for boredom.

See, in today’s world, there seems to be two default states for the modern person: busy or bored.

And those who are bored, most often, find ways they can quickly make themselves busy—typically through unimportant busywork, passive entertainment, and social media.

But, those who can reprogram their mind to see boredom as something different… something to be sought out… something to be carefully guarded… something to be planned for…

Get to spend more time in that non-busy state… undistracted and unbothered… uninfluenced and unhindered… un-marketed to and unprodded…

So they can more freely explore ideas on their own…

So they can sort through the infinite depth of what’s already there…

So they can imaginatively play as they once did when they were at their creative height(s)…

So they can become a prolific example of what it means to be an independent, uniquely capable, creatively abundant, infinitely potentialed human in a world of ever present and ever increasing carbon copies and AI regurgitations.

Those who are too busy flooding their minds with everything else never get a chance to sort through it all and actually decide.

P.s. I asked: Do you create better in tension or relaxation? I found the answers to be quite interesting…

Dear Future Me…

“Don’t let me forget this moment when I’m feeling bad again.”

This was said to me by one of my employees who was feeling… great.

She had been getting good sleep, hitting the gym and training martial arts regularly, was prioritizing healthy eating without meticulously tracking calories, and was avoiding the things that made her feel bad.

But, rather than me reminder her about this moment at some point in the future when her mood inevitably came down… why not have her reminder her?

In other words, how powerful might it be to have a video of you speaking to your future self saying everything you’d want them to know from this current great standpoint?

Or future you reading a letter from past you that’s written specifically to remind you of key thoughts/ practices to maintain during the inevitable hardships?

Maybe more powerful… what if you made a video or wrote a letter to a really great future version of you from when you’re in a really hard place? A reminder to not take it for granted and to really soak it all in…

I don’t think there’s anyone more convincing on the face of the earth than us speaking directly to ourselves.

Give this exercise a shot and maybe you’ll find out for yourself.

P.s. I finished uploaded my favorite quotes from Will by Will Smith. I captured 49 insights that moved me that I think will move you, too. Enjoy :)