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Month: January 2023

Real—Not Reel

Most people have ugly parts in their story.

Most people suppress those ugly parts and share beauty on reels instead.

The thing about beauty reels, however, is that they generally stop at the surface.

And what most people crave, now more than ever, is that which goes beyond the surface.

What most people yearn for is a closer look at what’s been suppressed… what’s behind the beauty… the very thing which you thought you had to hide…

What most people want to know more than anything else is that you, too, have ugly parts in your story… that they’re not alone… that you’re imperfect too…

They want to know what makes you REAL—not a reel.

P.s. I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work—to help them live better lives. If these daily pieces have impacted you, you can support my ongoing work here. Thank you :) ☕️

Not Feeling Like Yourself?

Try removing yourself from ALL current sources of outside influence (e.g. media, friends, parents) and write.

Write like hell.

Write everything that’s circling in your mind.

Then, re-read what you wrote and write whatever else comes to mind from those writings.

Then, just sit in the quiet for a while… pay attention to your wandering mind.

See if anything else comes up.

If it does, write all of whatever that is out, too.

Continue this process until the sediments of your mind have settled—maybe not completely… but, enough. Enough to have gained some clarity over the situation.

Then, look with fresh eyes at what was causing you to not feel like yourself.

And act accordingly.

Lesson: it’s hard to know what’s affecting you when you’re in the middle of the affecting environment. You need to remove yourself and purge your mind so that you can look back at the environment(s) you were in with fresh eyes.

P.s. I also published: Feeling Lost? Phil Stutz Says Don’t Try To Figure It Out. Here’s Why:

Undeniable Luck

I can think back to several times in my life when I could’ve easily died.

  • Times when I was really sick
  • Times when I acted recklessly
  • Times when I’ve been in the path of others who were acting recklessly

And I think about all the proud things I’ve done since those days.

And I think about all of the beautiful interactions I’ve had with others since those days.

And I think about how much progress I’ve made on my path towards self-actualization since those days.

And all of this reminds me that luck is undeniably a part of my life’s equation.

Because I think of the countless others… people whom I knew personally… people who were younger than I… people who were stronger than I… people who acted less recklessly than I… people who were wholesome, good-hearted people… people who were met with just one thread of bad luck…

…And it was there that it all ended for them.

And I think about how this could’ve been me 10, 20, 30 years ago.

And I think about how much I would’ve missed if it had been.

And I think about how there’s no guarantee which way luck goes for any of us moving forward.

And it is with this in mind, that I do my damn best to make sure I don’t waste a single one of these gifts that are bundled up in moments that others would’ve given literally ANYTHING for.

…And I hope, with this in mind, you might do the same, too.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.