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Month: January 2023

It’s Not Personal

If you want to learn how to not take things personally…

Simply meditate on the times when you did something that another took personally that was completely unintentional, misunderstood, or misconstrued. Times when you:

  • Took your anger out on somebody who had nothing to do with what you were angry at.
  • Underwent intense periods of growth/ change that made you less available and more distant to those you used to spend time with.
  • Expressed an opinion that hurt/offended the person you were sharing it with, when you had a completely different person/ type of person in mind.

I think we’ve all been there.

The all-too-often shared reality we face as humans is that we often act selfishly before we think selflessly. We get consumed in being the center of our own worlds and forget about how our actions might affect the world of others.

The truth is: rarely does anything we do have to do with anybody other than ourselves and how we’re feeling.

So, when somebody does something that feels personal, remember, it most likely has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

P.s. Have you been taking these posts personally (in a good way)? You can support my ongoing work by getting me a coffee here :)

Happiness via Subtraction

When we remove:

  • Fear of judgment
  • Superfluous desires
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Depressive mental environments
  • Obsessive needs to be happier *than*

What’s left is what was always there—the happiness we once knew that was slowly buried by modern and corrupt influences.

The way to add happiness to our lives isn’t via more… it’s via less.

P.s. I started uploading quotes from Will by Will Smith to MoveMe Quotes. If you’d like to read along, you can get the book here. And you can read the insights I upload for free here.

Pay Yourself First

You will never be able to give others enough of your time/energy/attention—they’ll always gladly demand and accept more.

This is where prioritizing others over yourself crashes and burns.

There will never be “left over” time/energy/attention. “Extra” is an illusion. The demands of others is a bottomless pit.

Pay yourself in time/energy/attention FIRST. Then, when full, give extra or what you have left over to others.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Task Direction

In all that you do, question deeply the direction each task points you in.

While it may feel obvious that we want to be pointed towards “success,” “fulfillment,” “realized potential”…

The things we do each day often act in opposition to those seemingly obvious goals. When you look closely, what you might realize is that:

  • “Success tasks” often point you away from family.
  • “Fulfillment tasks” often point you away from yourself.
  • “Realized potential tasks” often point you away from skill building.

Repeat after me: no action without confirmed direction.

P.s. If you want to ensure the actions of your life are pointed in the right direction (and you don’t arrive at a later point in your life with regret), I created a guide that you can get here.

Mind I.D.

When I see “Spam likely” pop up on my Caller I.D.—I don’t answer.

This choice saves me time/ energy/ and attention that can be invested in far more useful ways.

The real hack, though, is training your gut to start popping up “Spam Likely” in your mind’s eye for in real life and digital interactions.

  • Somebody give you a weird vibe, but you’re not quite sure why? Spam likely.
  • Somebody reach out with a request that makes you feel uncomfortable? Spam likely.
  • Somebody in the same room as you who’s triggering your nervous system? Spam likely.

Here’s the thing about spam: it’s everywhere and isn’t going anywhere.

That said, remember: how you choose to respond can quite literally make or break your days.

A Better World Via Better Moments

A simple formula guaranteed to make the world a better place:

  • Leave each room you spend time in better than you found it.
  • Leave each person you converse with warmer than you found them.
  • Leave each natural setting you traverse cleaner than you found it.

If we can get into the habit of actively seeking opportunities to improve the world inside our daily moments… how could we not improve the world via our life?

P.s. I also published: 15 Quotes from Stutz (2022) on Therapy, Healing, and Vulnerability.

Skipping The Hard Part

Arriving at the destination of your dreams MINUS the substantial hard work is a formula that thrusts an unrealized version of you into over-your-head dream situations.

  • It’s the “author” who can’t hold a deep conversation on the book topic.
  • It’s the fitness “influencer” who can’t teach a 1-hour fitness class.
  • It’s the business “coach” who has never built their own business.

It’s precisely the thing that makes arriving at the destination HARD that allows you to actualize your full inner strength and potential.

Skipping the hard part only makes your weaker, more incompetent, less insightful version show up to the opportunities you’ve always dreamed to have.

…Which will quickly turn into a nightmare after all.

This is all to say… stop trying to skip the hard part.

P.s. These are the 20 books I read in 2022. Which one would you like to read key insights from the most?