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Month: January 2023

A Flip Of The Switch

I started meditating a whole lot more once I stopped trying to do it perfectly.

What I realized is that a quiet corner, meditation pillow, and chunk of uninterrupted time aren’t required.

What’s required is an intention. Period.

Now, I meditate while walking, driving, waiting in lines, you name it…

What the intention does is declare to your mind that you’re now entering a different way of being. Without it, your mind will unconsciously continue to rambunctiously act non-meditatively—as it always does.

It’s like flipping a mind switch.

Once that switch is turned on and the light of your consciousness turns inward, you can begin to notice the urges that come up (that try to break you away from your meditation/presence), and focus on returning to your practice for as long as you may.

And suddenly, once you realize that a flip of the switch is all that’s required, meditation goes from another task you try to stressfully add to your already busy day—to an easily-intertwined-throughout-your-whole-day kind of task.

There are so many applications for this strategy in life.

P.s. When I do sit down to meditate, I use to filter out invasive external noises. I’m a raving fan and currently on a 20-week use streak.

Rare Character Titles

  • Wise
  • Loyal
  • Humble
  • Generous
  • Admirable
  • Respectful
  • Dependable

…Aren’t character traits you can give yourself.

They can only ever be gifted to you by others—regardless of how much you believe it, say it, or fight for it (them).

Some things can only ever be proven through action.

Side note: there is an argument to be made for the situation when you’re surrounded by people who simply don’t give gifts of any kind. People who are so consumed in their own worlds that they don’t have the capacity or capability to gift these rare character titles to others. And if that’s the case, remember, getting the rare character titles gifted to you isn’t the point. The point is to embody the rare character traits because of the innate goodness that doing so provides in value for you and your life. Getting the title should never be the expectation; only the rare, unexpected (and greatly appreciated) gift.

…If you want to get the rare character title of appreciative, that is.

P.s. January 26th was the anniversary of Kobe Bryant’s tragic death. I wrote a piece honoring his legacy here.

Mental Sweat Required

You become what you study; study what you want to become.

You become who you speak with; speak with who you want to become.

You become what you think carefully about; think carefully about what (and who) you want to become.*

*Thinking carefully implies deliberate conscious effort, not what happens unconsciously throughout the day. We’re talking about the kind of thinking that happens when you ask and mentally sweat over tough questions. Questions that challenge your limiting beliefs, comfort zones, life path, ingrained habits, close relationships, identity, vision, beliefs, and so on. Yes, this is the kind of thinking that shapes who you will ultimately become.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

The Walk From Lonely To Alone

“Lonely” is the state of being avoidant and discontent with yourself—an indication that inner work is required.

“Alone” is the state of being present and content with yourself—a healthy indication of inner acceptance.

The transition from lonely to alone will vary in difficulty one person to the next.

But, in each case, when we start small and commit to incremental increases in things like journaling, meditating, solo walking, etc… we can slowly head in the direction of alone.

Which, is an imperative direction to head as being without people will only increase as we grow older. Better to learn the skill now and acclimate before you’re thrusted into the position, unprepared later.

Kindness Travels

Be kind on your way up; you might cross paths with some of the same people on your way down.

Be kind on your way down; you might cross paths with some people who might be able to help you up.

In short: be kind; always.

Lung Access

Dear busy person,

Before you check your phone throughout the day, commit to taking a long, deep breath first. Remind yourself that you are more than your notifications. That your phone is there to serve you; not enslave you. That being calm and centered is available to you in each moment—in each breath—just as the internet is (worth acknowledging the weight of that statement). You just have to choose lung access instead of always defaulting immediately to thumb access.


Your inner work person

Tangible Confidence

If you lack confidence, it’s not something you can just pull from thin air or positive thinking.

Confidence is something that is built tangibly—in reality.

It’s something that requires a stacking of little successes that slowly… slowly… build a track record we can start to believe in.

If we have never done a thing successfully—ever—even in a small way, of course we’ll have a crippling lack of confidence.

Confidence comes when we get out of our head and get focused on doing more in the world—one small, aligned success at a time.

P.s. I asked: What gets you to do the thing you know you need to do when you REALLY DON’T want to do it? I hope the replies help. :)