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Month: December 2022

Undoing Our Way To Happiness

Happiness is less about doing and more about undoing.

  • You can play your favorite playlist… but, “undoing” self-consciousness will help more.
  • You can immerse yourself in nature… but, “undoing” co-dependency issues will help more.
  • You can have a spa day… but, “undoing” self-sabotaging thoughts will help more.

How to undo? By doing inner work.

The happiness is there. You just have to “uninvite” the unwelcomed company that’s causing chaos in your mind.

Freedom From / Freedom To

“Freedom in its own right doesn’t take on meaning. It’s like ‘culture’—it’s only when it’s applied to ‘freedom from…’ or ‘freedom to…’”

Daniel Greenwald

It’s a frequently discussed topic: freedom. Many people claim it’s their ultimate goal. But, is it really? Because you could up and quit your job, walk away from all of your responsibilities, say goodbye to all of the relationships in your life, venture into the nearest forest and be completely, “free.”

But, I suspect you won’t be happy for very long.

Which is why, as Daniel outlines so brilliantly above, we have to give “freedom” specific context. Context that allows “freedom” to take on a shape and/or gives it deeper meaning that will lead us to what we’re really after… a long-term, deeply felt, constantly renewing source of joy.

And an excellent way to give freedom context is by specifying what it is *exactly* that you want freedom from and/or what it is you crave the freedom to do. I suspect, if you spend even 15 minutes filling in the blanks as honestly as you can… you might just bring to light a vision of freedom that doesn’t feel so blurry and far-fetched after all.

For example, does “financial freedom” equate to some arbitrary seven digit number that you copy and pasted into your head from somebody else’s mind? Because what you might realize is that what you really want is, “freedom from work that sucks” or “the freedom to work only 20 hours per week (so you can spend the rest of your time doing whatever you want).”

…And you don’t need seven figures to do either one of those now do you?

Freedom Is A Feeling

Some of the most liberating feelings in life:

  • Realizing you don’t need anyone’s approval
  • Remembering you are your only competition
  • Releasing yourself from society’s expectations
  • Reclaiming your power from overbearing forces
  • Removing yourself permanently from toxic people/ situations
  • Reminding yourself that you are not ahead or behind—you are right where you need to be (via Hasheem)

And maybe the most liberating thought of them all… maybe freedom isn’t something that is a lifetime away and is actually something that’s far closer than we’ve been trained to believe.

…Because freedom is a feeling; not a seven figure fund.

P.s. I published 57 quotes from The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest. They’re incredible.

The Best Comfort

Remember this about comfort:

It’s a lot more enjoyable when it’s closely preceded by discomfort.

E.g. Think about the couch after hard exercise or bed after the demanding day.

Comfort minus discomfort leads to a sort of long-term discomfort that’s far more brutal than anything we push ourselves through in the short-term.

Reflection Is The Way

Remember this: the only time you DON’T grow from what happens in life is when you DON’T reflect.

Mindlessly moving from one experience to the next is what leads to repeated mistakes, cyclical thinking, and stagnation.

Which means, if reflection is in your life… regardless of the hardships, trials, and challenges… you can, at minimum, count on the fact that you’re steady growing with every happening as a result.

And if you can put trust in your growth (which you should), you can also count on the fact that you’ll eventually outgrow your current hardships, trials, and challenges (which is how it works).

…And they won’t, in fact, be an unending source of pain and suffering in your life.

Each of these situations, too, shall pass (in proportion to the quality of your reflections)—believe it.

Remember this, when you say you don’t have time for reflection in your “busy” life.

P.s. Everyone who says you should never look back is wrong.

Goals for 2023

I find myself thinking a lot about duality lately.

How things are far more gray than they are black-and-white.

Which is why, as we move into the new year, I’m going to focus more on the balancing forces in all that I do in life—so that I may stay more mindfully in the middle of any which extreme.

Some of my initial thoughts:

  • A strong body… with a soft touch.
  • A serious focus… with a playful heart.
  • Concrete boundaries… outlining a warm host.
  • A “stay hard” mindset… that knows how to relax.
  • An uncanny hustle… that knows when to slow down.
  • An indomitable spirit… that knows when to surrender.

What are some of your goals for 2023?

Slow Hustle

Knowing I’m going to die, I hustle to unleash my full potential while I can.

Knowing I’m still alive, I slow down so I don’t miss the life that’s right in front of me.

Somewhere in between the two is a dance.

Knowing this, I practice my two step and slow hustle my way forward at each chance.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.