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Month: December 2022

The Actual Goal

What I’m ACTUALLY trying to get people to realize when I teach/ train/ coach:

The reward of doing 1 hour of hard work >>>>> 1000 moments of media-based dopamine hits.

2023 Will Rhyme

Before you start mega-phoning your New Year’s resolutions and lining up at your January 1st start line to sprint towards a new reality… it’s imperative you take a look back.

How did things play out for you from 2022? 2021? 2020? Etc. Can you dig up a record (or three) of what your goals and action strategies were from then? How they played out? What you were experiencing as you went?

This exploration will give you trends and insight that could be essential to playing out 2023 differently… more strategically… better.

Side note: if you don’t have a record like this, and you think having a record like this now would be valuable, maybe it’s something you could start this year?

Main train: One of the first quotes that I remember feeling deeply impacted by, as cliché as it sounds to me now, was: “If you keep on doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve been getting.”

History may not repeat itself exactly—but, have no doubt: history rhymes.

And 2023 will rhyme with all of your other years and resolution attempts.

So, don’t forget to look back before you floor it forward. You might learn something about yourself that’ll impact your pace, direction, ambition, accountability, strategy, etc. that you hadn’t quite internalized before.

And maybe it’s that one realization that’ll actually make 2023 your best year ever.


Sometimes I set such a high bar for myself that I can’t even see the damn thing when I look up towards the sky.

At the same time… I like the idea of building my way up from the grips of the earth towards a bar that dances with the clouds.

Reclaiming Wasted Energy

So much energy is wasted every day in limbo.

In that in between space where our temptations and disciplines clash.

In that place where we’re making up our minds; arguing against ourselves; stagnating.

It’s in this state where our energy drains its fastest. And the longer we stay there, the more likely temptation is to win against discipline.

The key to reclaiming our energy is redirecting our energy.

  • Trying to resist temptation? Don’t stare. Don’t engage. Don’t even look if you can help it. Quickly redirect your energy and walk away; open a book; play a podcast.; call a friend or family member; play with your dog—anything that gets you out and away.
  • Trying to improve your state of mind in a toxic environment? Even the best of us can’t override the effects of toxic environments. Trying to do so is futile. You’re better off redirecting your energy out and away from that environment and into a new, healthier, healing one. This goes for work environments, hang out environments, and even family environments.
  • Trying to move on from pain of the past? Actively investigating our past to heal is one thing… lingering aimlessly in the pain is another. Redirect your energy towards your future and away from your past. Hang out with new people. Take on a new project. Build an aligned side hustle business. Building something new is one of the best ways to move on from something old.

If each of us could reclaim even 1% of that energy—that human potential—that’s wasted in limbo and redirect it towards something constructive… I reckon we could build ourselves an entire additional calendar day in our year.

Greater Good

  • Trolling
  • Blaming
  • Criticizing
  • Demeaning
  • Condemning

Will never come close to the overall positive impact that…

  • Accepting responsibility
  • Glorifying goodness
  • Spreading kindness
  • Role modeling
  • Forgiving

…Will have.

We sometimes do the former (consciously and unconsciously) thinking that it’s for a greater good… but, the real greater good comes from doing the latter.

P.s. Want to really change your world? Become a modern day alchemist.

The Gift of Initiative

When you are feeling lonely, it’s important to remember that there are MANY people around you who feel exactly the same.

In fact, as ironic as it might sound in today’s hyperconnected world, it’s probably more often the case than not that the people around you are feeling lonely more than they’re not.

That in mind, do for others what you secretly crave is done for you:

  • Shoot that text
  • Make that call
  • Schedule that coffee

Think of what it might mean to you to get that invitation… and be the bearer of that gift to somebody else.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Your Life; Your Story

You are the author, editor, and publisher of the story of your life.


  • Don’t question what you’re taught
  • Make no time for reflection / introspection
  • Look at yourself through other people’s eyes / opinions

Until you take guarding your mind seriously, others will continue writing the story of your life for you—and probably not for the better.