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Month: November 2022

Strategic Playfulness

Seriousness hardens; playfulness softens.

If you’re having a hard time opening your heart, your eyes, or your life—maybe it’s because they’ve each hardened from prolonged seriousness.

And maybe what’s needed is the opposite… some strategic playfulness.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE talk on going from Burnout to Balanced on Thursday 11/16 at 11am EST. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/ interested. Details here.

P.p.s. This post became the foundation of the afterword for: Letting Your Bow Relax—A Short Story About Not Being So Serious All Of The Time

The Grandiosity Trap

Grandiosity is a cunning distraction.

Here we are, filling our heads up with all of the brilliant, jaw-dropping, earth-shaking things we’re going to do with our limited time, energy, and attention…

While we take somewhere between zero and one microscopic step towards bringing those grand visions to life.

Don’t let grandiosity fool you. It’s not leading you any closer to your grand visions.

Unless, of course, those grand visions are driving you to do more of the things that’ll actually bring them to life.

Remember, life is measured in steps; not visions.

Less grandiosity. More humble action.

Everything In A Moment [Poem]

A bird born
Taught to sit
From sitting birds before
Will sit

For what it sees
What it hears
What it believes
Is that birds sit

Until one day
The sitting bird
Sees the soaring bird
And everything in a moment
Shatters and rebuilds

For even a lifetime of sitting
Can't stand up
To the glorious expanse
Of wings no different

Seen soaring
Touching heaven above
A whole new life realized
In but a happenstance glance

Take the leap
Something beyond fear
Whispers courageously
Sitting isn't what wings
Were gifted for

P.s. Here are some of the other poems I sometimes happen to write.

Mental Matters

You know what a great formula is for peace of mind?

…Minding your own business.

And I mean this with all due respect.

Mind your own mental matters until you’re in a solid position where you can start aiding in the mental matters of others, too.

But aiding in the mental matters of others before you have your own mental matters in order… is a little disordered—wouldn’t you say?

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Free Time

If the goal is more free time (freedom)…

Stop equating all of your free time to available time.

They are NOT the same thing.

Available time gets filled with tasks.

Free time gets filled with life.

Work Freedom

Freedom isn’t only an experience reserved for when you’re done with work.

In fact, it can very well be an experience that you have WHILE you work.

And since we all need to engage in work in some way, shape, or form (out of obligation or for fulfillment)—finding work that aligns with your soul and allows you the freedom to be… is one of the ultimate forms of freedom there is.

P.s. I asked, “Besides sleep and coffee… what gives you energy for your day?” I hope the answers help you find ways to keep your energy high throughout your days :)


“Slowly, but surely” is a wildly underrated strategy.

Did you read that third word? Like, really read it?


It’s the “surely” that makes this strategy a game-changer.

“Surely” is the kind of bet I like to make in my life.