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Month: November 2022

10k Steps

How to get 10k steps per day:

  • Walk away from temptations
  • Walk away from toxic situations
  • Walk away from mindless media
  • Walk away from close-minded people
  • Walk away from work problems when home

P.s. Want to know what else people are doing to get 10k steps per day? Check these ideas out.

Becoming A Primary Caregiver

We don’t think to inspect things that aren’t broken.

We’re too busy and distracted for that.

But, inspecting things that aren’t broken (on occasion) is an excellent strategy for ensuring they stay that way.

For example, I have a doctor’s appointment this week and asked to get general blood work done.

Why? Not because I’m sick, feeling ill, or have any noteworthy symptoms—but, to ensure my levels are solid and aren’t trending in the wrong direction considering I’ve never gotten it done before.

This isn’t something my doctor would just think to do out of the blue—he’s way too busy and distracted for that.

This is something I have to think of on my own because I need to be my own primary caregiver—as nobody will (should) care or think as intimately about my ongoing health goals/issues as me.

And the same is true for you.

I asked: “How do you practice vulnerability in your life?” I hope the answers inspire you to practice it more in your life, too.

Maybe It’s Not You

Maybe it’s not:

  • Depression (non-clinical)
  • Self-induced anxiety
  • Poor self-control
  • Awful self-image
  • Laziness

Maybe you’re just hanging around the wrong people.

On Coming Around

People will come around when they will.

It’s not your responsibility to make them come around or to expedite their coming around process (unless, of course, it is).

It’s your responsibility to focus on your own coming around.

Don’t put your life on hold so that others can have somebody else focused on their coming around.

Keep playing your life out as you will (without hesitation or apology) and leave behind a strong model worth coming around for.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Ninja Your Comfort Zone

Imagine this: your body naturally opposes anything that puts it outside of its comfort zone… so you make such gradual, incremental, deliberate changes that you essentially slip past your body’s comfort zone radar detectors and ninja your way to a better life without getting thwarted with every single one of your body’s exhausting resistance mechanisms.

I honestly think this is a viable path.

The Default Reality

An important reminder: regression is the default.

If you don’t actively oppose the way of reality… you’ll become:

  • Weaker
  • Sicker
  • Dull(er)

We must rebel against:

  • The comfort of beds, couches, and gaming chairs.
  • The delight of sugar, salt, and high-fructose corn syrup.
  • The grips of Netflix, mindless gaming, and click-bait media.

Progression is reserved for the brave ones who reject the default reality and choose to live a life that’s against the grain and in alignment with their highest version.

Never Forget

What thought(s) significantly changed your life for the better? …For the worst?

Good. Now never forget the power of your thoughts.

What’s one of the most powerful things you’ve ever been told? …Most hurtful things?

Good. Now never forget the power of your words.

Who has had one of the biggest influences on your life? …One of the worst?

Good. Now never forget the power of influence you have on all of those around you.