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Month: October 2022


You thinking that somewhere else in the world is more interesting than where you are right now is precisely what’s making here… uninteresting.

  • There’s an unfathomable depth to every person you cross paths with—start getting curious about it.
  • There’s a mountain of insight collecting dust on bookshelves near you—crack open some covers and let it free.
  • There are canvases that are just begging to be turned into art literally everywhere—pick a medium and start sharing your creations.

When everybody becomes uninterested in everything else—of course everything becomes uninteresting.

All it takes is one person’s spark—one person’s interest—to change the way all of us see something we thought we’ve already seen a hundred times before.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Rushing Feet [Poem]

rain scattered
wind thrusting
feet rushing
to escape

why run away
from that which I
was made?

one day
I will be rain
and gusts
pouring down
and pushing into
somebody else’s
rushing feet

and wouldn’t I
unable to speak or say
want them
to slow
and feel
and appreciate

Where People Are More Interesting

There isn’t any one place in the world where people’s inner worlds are disproportionately more deep and rich.

Depth and richness is everywhere.

This is true even for the people who you cross paths with in coffee lines, drug stores, and supermarkets.

You don’t have to travel to France, Greece, or Bali for more rich, deep connections.

You just have to be more curious and open to having deep, rich conversations.

P.s. I compiled a list of 101 Thoughtful and Provoking Questions to Ask To Get To Know Someone in case you’re interested.