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Month: September 2022

Thinking Of You [Poem]

I think of you sometimes
And sometimes I smile
And sometimes I fall
Sometimes I channel it
And sometimes I withdrawal
Better—I suppose
Than not having anything
To move or respond to
at all.

Burning Away Everything You Know

If you burned away everything you knew about yourself… what would remain?

This was one of the most remarkable questions I was asked while at Burning Man.

Worth reiterating: if everything I knew about myself…

  • my past experiences
  • my relationships
  • my occupation
  • my education
  • my joy/pain

…was burned away—what would I have left inside?

Before you read my answer, I encourage you to pause here and think about how you would answer this question…

Go ahead, I’ll still be here when you’re done…

The answer I came up with (which didn’t come quickly or easily) was everything I had when I was born:

  • my curiosity
  • my liveliness
  • my innocence
  • my immediacy
  • my compassion

Which made me think: a lot of what we carry with us in identity/ experience/ education is worth burning.

Not everything, of course, because there is a lot in identity/ experience/ and education that we carry that’s worth protecting.

But, there’s a lot that extinguishes our curiosity; deadens our liveliness; contaminates our innocence; removes our immediacy; and kills our compassion.

And that, is where the real inner work begins.

Not in trying to add to what’s already inside… but in working to subtract—to burn away—everything that’s corrupting what’s already there.

How would you answer this question? I’d love to hear. Simply send a reply :)

Characteristics of Freedom

If you can’t:

  • Sit quietly
  • Sleep peacefully
  • Dance uncaringly
  • Love unconditionally
  • Create wholeheartedly

…You aren’t free.

No matter what your work title, bank account, or social media feed might otherwise suggest.

On People and Art

“Take more pictures of the people than the art.”

—Advice given to me by a long-time Burner

At first, I didn’t get it.

The art was one of the main attractions.

Artists from all over the world would go to incredible lengths to create, transport, and feature their art in the middle of the desert—and the pull to capture images of them felt much stronger to me than the pull to capture images of the people.

It wasn’t until I left Burning Man, got cell-phone service, and saw an article featured on my Google search page: The Art of Burning Man 2022—that I finally understood what I think that experienced Burner meant.

When you take a picture of art—it’s an image of a completed, unchanging piece.

A picture of a person, however, becomes a piece of art in and of itself.

It captures an image of an ever changing being in one exact moment in time that nobody else will ever be able to capture.

This is not to say that taking photographs of art isn’t an art form in and of itself. Nor is it to say that taking photographs of people is somehow “superior.”

It’s merely an observation that struck me as I was immersed in an other-worldly society that was exploding with creativity at every turn of the eye.

And as I reflect back on this advice more and look back on the pictures I’ve taken over the years—it rings true…

Of all the art I’ve photographed, people are the art that always seem to be the most interesting to look back on.

P.s. Here’s a LIVE re-cap of my Burning Man experience.