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Month: July 2022

Character Confessions

A person’s highlight reel, them in a good mood, how they act on a date or in a business environment, etc. all give off superficial impressions.

Want to really get to know somebody?

Watch closely to how they:

  • Act when they’re angry
  • Handle genuine mistakes
  • Respond to losing an argument
  • Treat people less fortunate than them
  • Talk about people who aren’t there

These are the real confessions of their character.

The Real Leaders

Those who know how to renew love in spite of it all—

…even after hate

…even after tragedy

…even after heartbreak

—are the real leaders (and gems) of our society.

Obsessed [Poem]

Obsessed with it all
That’s why I won’t settle

Not until every nook
And every cranny
Of every day

Is composed of moments
I can’t wait to recall

The Catch-22 of Likability

The more time you spend thinking about how you can get other people to like you…

The less time you’ll be able to spend thinking about how you can become someone you like.

And here’s the catch-22.

The more time you spend becoming someone YOU like… the more likely other people will like you.

And the more time you spend trying to be someone who is liked… the less other people will end up liking you.

Less For Less Anxiety

Wanna know why you feel anxious?

Too many open processes.

You’re doing too much; thinking too much; taking on too much.

What you need is a healthy dose of less.

Less obligation. Less running around. Less distraction.

So that you can focus more on closing what’s already open.

Renewing Less

A desire for more isn’t usually satisfied with more. It forever renews.

A desire for less, however, can be satisfied.

Eventually, all that will be left is what’s most useful, important, and necessary.

THIS is the desire that should be forever renewed.