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Month: June 2022

Inner Roadway [Poem]

Understand who you are
By writing down
Everything you are not
And never want to be

Let each list item
Act as a guardrail
That turns vast landscape
Into paved and pointed roadway

Delay The Urge To Stop

Whenever possible, rather than stopping your forward momentum altogether, try slowing down instead.

One of the worst strategies for finishing a marathon is to sprint-stop-sprint-stop-sprint-stop the whole way.

When you feel yourself getting winded—adjust your pace; shorten your stride; give yourself more time to breathe.

And at all costs: delay the urge to stop.

While rest might seem like the most energy efficient decision in the moment, as physics demonstrates, keeping your body in motion is actually the most energy efficient option long-term.

So that we’re clear, I’m not advocating you never stop working.

I am advocating that you commit to a working pace that you can sustain rather than one that you have to constantly start-stop.

For example: rather than read 100 pages sporadically every month or two—commit to 10 pages per day. And if 10 pages becomes too much, don’t stop altogether. Drop it to 5 pages per day. And if that’s still too much, drop it to one page. And if that’s too much—you’re playing yourself.

Keeping the momentum alive in your daily tasks is key to efficient and effective forward movement in your life.

Starting a stopped body is much harder than keeping a body in motion.

Keep your body in motion even when (especially when) your mind wants to stop.

Seed Planter [Poem]

I am forever
A seed planter
Burying potential
in the endless mud
Of our collective mind

Some will grow
Many will die
What comes to be
Isn’t for me
to judge or define

I am not sun
I am not nutrients
I am not water
I am forever
a seed planter

What’s planted
In the mud
Of your mind
Is for the elements
Of your life

To nurture or decline

Just For Today

…What a beautiful mindset for getting things done long-term.

Committing to something for months/years/life can be intimidating.

But committing to today?

No problem.

Just for today: read, write, draw, exercise, meditate, etc.

And simply repeat this mindset again when you wake—tomorrow.

Act Your Age [Poem]

The spirit has no age
And yet is shackled
To the age we tell it to act

From the people who tell it to us
From the people who told it to them
From the people who made it up

The spirit has no age
Let it roam free
To be as it may—

Age-free and un-trapped.