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Month: May 2022

Victory Laps

Every time my dog poops she takes a victory lap around the yard.

She celebrates her small victories.

You should, too.

Stuck? Or Weighed Down?

The more you hold on to, the heavier life feels.

When you get in the habit of clenching tightly on to:

  • People
  • Places
  • Pains
  • Things
  • Thoughts

Your life eventually becomes so heavy that it drags to a halt.

How could this not be the case if day-after-day you continue to hold on to more than you let go of?

The knapsack that’s full of everything you’re trying to control will eventually surpass your ability to carry it forward. And you’ll be presented with a choice:

Either (1) let go of more so you can start moving forward again or (2) stay where you are and keep a tight grasp on all that you have.

And here’s the question you have to ask yourself: is what I’m holding on to serving me or is it just familiar (and comfortable)? Because if what you’re holding on to isn’t serving you…

Maybe it’s time to start letting it go.

Better Starts With More Care

What people say:

  • “I don’t have time to write.”
  • “I’m too busy for therapy.”
  • “Meditating is too hard.”

What I hear:

  • “I don’t care enough to process my emotions.”

No Words.

Today, there was a mass shooting at a grocery store that’s 5 minutes from my house.

10 were killed. 3 were injured. And for what reason? Skin color?!

These were people who were getting their groceries on a Saturday morning. A task I’ve engaged in innocently countless times. And to think there’s an evil out there who could attack such an innocent act completely ruins me.

There are no words.

I’m heartbroken. I’m infuriated. I’m scared.

I’m sharing this with you today to remind you to hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight. To live your life in a way that minimizes regret. And to spread more love in every way you can.

We damn well need it.

Sending all of my love to those affected by this tragedy. Tonight, I have my city in my heart. ❤️

Hiding [Poem]

Isn’t it funny
How we hide our faults
And then wonder why
It feels like
Really sees us

Guest Appearance On ‘Budo: The Martial Way’

Lewis E. Briggs is a clear-minded and thoughtful individual who has been hosting Budo: The Martial Way since January of 2020.

Throughout that time he has shared 45+ episodes where he explores topics like: Zen, Conflict, Meditation, Self-Discipline, Martial Arts and more. His podcast comes highly recommended.

In this particular episode, I had the privilege of being his first guest on the show. I think you’ll enjoy the flow of the conversation as we discussed what it takes to become an experienced martial artist, an eminent coach, and host of a successful twitter account.

You can listen to the episode using the embedded player below or (if you don’t see it) you can find it on Spotify here. Thanks and enjoy!

Stuck? Or Opportunity?

What might feel like “stuck” might actually be cocooning.

Take this time of stillness as a disguised opportunity to accelerate your evolution.

  • Read.
  • Write.
  • Meditate.
  • Build.
  • Sleep.

Eventually, “stuck” will no longer be able to hold you in place.

Become “unstuck” by outgrowing your current situation.