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Month: October 2021

Mental Health Day Reminders

Don’t fake being okay.

It’s okay to not be okay.

All of your feelings are valid.

You may screw up, but you’re not a screw up.

Asking for help isn’t quitting, it’s a sign of determination.

Expressing your feelings isn’t weakening—it’s empowering.

You deserve to get help, seek support, take days off, and get better.

Comparison is a killer—do the best you can with what you have, where you are.

You are more than your anxious thoughts, your past trauma, your mistakes, your flaws and your mental illness.

Cut yourself some slack. Don’t rush the process of healing. It’s okay to have off, unproductive, emotional days. It’s okay to rest.

You are not alone and you don’t have to fight your battles alone. There are people, just like you, who are seeking connection and support.

Always choose love and kindness—for others and especially for yourself.

Free Energy Checks

Capturing inspiration when it strikes is like getting free energy checks from National Grid.

Why pay full price when you can cop some for free?

If you don’t have a means to deposit those checks though, it’ll all be for nothing.

How do you capture inspiration when it strikes?

The notes app is where I deposit all of mine.

That way, when it’s convenient (and in line with the schedule of my day) I can unleash the free energy I saved and capitalize on it in full.

Remember: feeling inspired and not depositing it is the same as never getting a check at all.

Grumpy People

My aunt on a grumpy hotel employee:

“Maybe he was just having a bad day. Maybe he had to poop and he couldn’t. You just don’t know.”

My new life philosophy for grumpy people.

Protect Your Power

You don’t lose your power; you give your power away.

For what you hold in your hands can be ripped away; but, not what you hold in your heart.

What you keep within the walls of your house can be stolen; but, not what you protect within the walls of your character.

Even what you lock tightly inside the thickest of safes can be repossessed; but, not what you lock tightly inside the safe of your mind.

Within each of us is something great.

A heart, a mind, and a strength of character that has limitless potential. THAT is power. Not what you hold in your hands or protect in your house or stow away deep inside of a safe.

Remember this whenever anybody tries to take your power. They will try to seduce your heart, brainwash your mind, and manipulate your character for their own benefit.

They will try to convince you to voluntarily give your power away. Don’t let them. Protect your power as if it was the most important power you possessed in your life.

Because, quite frankly, it is.

Thinking Better Thoughts Doesn’t Just Happen

Thoughts are as much outside of your control as they are inside of your control.

It works very much the same as breathing.

When you’re conscious of your mind or breath, you can actively control them.

But, when you’re no longer conscious of them, they carry on without you.

This is why you can’t just demand your mind to start producing better thoughts.

That would be like demanding your lungs to start delivering oxygen better.

You have to improve the thought-producing machine as you would the oxygen-delivering machine(s).

Which doesn’t happen after one exercise session (for either).

It happens after many.

Will You Get A Do-Over?

You can always get up after you fall.

And you can always try again if you miss.

But you can’t ever recover hateful words after they’re spoken.

Nor can you undo harmful actions after they’re taken.

Lesson? Move quickly when you’re focused on growth and generosity.

And move slowly when you’re charged by emotion and hate.


Less stuff; more space.

Less clutter; more clarity.

Less noise; more harmony.

Any decision I’ve made with minimalism in mind has almost always been good one.