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15 Days of Gratitude Challenge

My friend Mike started a #15DaysofGratitude Challenge.

It’s simple. Every day for the next 15 days, post publicly something you’re grateful for.

This feels like a timely challenge for me because lately, I can feel my mind learning towards desire and away from gratitude. The discontent has been a noticeable feeling for some reason and expressing gratitude, I know, is the perfect antidote.

So, I’m in.

…I hope you’ll join, too.

Day 1: After work today, a colleague asked me what I had planned for the rest of my day. After thinking about it for a second, I realized I had nothing. And after an exhausting, nonstop, jammed schedule kind of week—saying “nothing at all” felt great.

Today, I’m grateful for the days when I get to do… nothing at all.

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