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Why I’ve Never Tried Hard Drugs

I didn’t want to like them.

This was the logic I adopted from a pretty young age.

I knew that if I liked it—whatever the drug being discussed was—I’d want to do it again.

And again and again and again.

And I’m the type who has a pretty addictive personality so this trajectory I knew, wouldn’t play in my favor.

And this is a strategy that has, all-in-all, worked out very well for me.

Not only in regards to hard drugs, but in regards to an array of temptations that have crossed my path—sometimes on very accessible and shiny silver platters.

Never forget: the present you experience today is a result of the consideration you paid to your future self, in your past.

And if you can keep your future self prioritized as you would a spouse, family member, or close friend—then when that future you arrives, you just might come to meet a version of you that’s elevated, skilled, and impressive. A version of you that’s on an exciting trajectory. A version of you that you’re proud to meet.

P.s. It’s not too late to start paying consideration to your future self, today.

Published inArchivesInvesting In YourselfLiving Well