After the death of her mom, Cheryl Strayed turned devastation and grief into self-sabotage.
She blew up her young marriage, estranged herself from her family, and started doing hard drugs—including heroin.
“I tried to wreck my life as a weird way to honor the death of my mom…” she admitted as she reflected back on that delicate time many years later at a live talk here in Buffalo, NY.
…Which I think is a very natural, knee-jerk kind of reaction to such overwhelming pain due to loss or grief in general.
We want to show how much we cared for a person—how much we loved them—by showing how deep our pain goes. And so we make this perverse decision to self-sabotage and wreck ourselves and our lives to display this deep love and care.
…But—and this is such an important but to consider when dealing with a blinding and unrelenting force like grief…
“…What we really need to do,” Cheryl said from the clarity of her further healed and more deeply considerate mind, “…is thrive.”
This is how we really honor the ones we love.
Not by causing further depths of pain and hate.
…But by embodying the depth of that love and becoming the living legacy of the absolute best version of that person. Spreading not more pain into the world—but, joy. Spreading not more hate into the lives of those around us—but, love.
…Leaving us not nearly dead and alone with a needle sticking out of our arm—but alive and thriving and accomplishing unimaginatively impressive feats that’ll inspire not only those around us today… but those in many generations to come.