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Category: Problem Solving

The Worst Awning Creaking

I have a metal awning covering the front door of my house.

It has been making an awful creaking noise whenever the wind picked up for the past few weeks.

It’s definitely not new and is something my mind started budgeting for as soon as I started hearing the screech. I figured I would first budget time to see if it was something I could fix myself. I could call over my handyman dad and see if whatever was loose could get tightened and we could clean her up—leaving her good as new.

If that didn’t work, I figured I would budget money for a new one and I started thinking about different colors and styles I might choose to replace it.

This went on and on in the background of my mind since I started noticing the reoccurring sound several weeks ago.

It wasn’t until I actually went outside today and took a closer look that I realized all of that horrible creaking… and screeching… and reoccurring annoyance…

…Was from one singular, oh-so-tiny bush branch—no bigger than my pinky—that was rubbing up against the front of the awning in such a way and at such an angle that it made that obnoxious noise.

I reached up, broke off the branch, and voila… problem solved.

How often is it the case that we do silly things like this? Make something oh-so-tiny into something way bigger than it needed to be? Something that could’ve been solved at the outset with a little up front investigation and energy… but got delayed and blown out of proportion instead…

Oh, how much energy I (we) could have saved…

Problem Solving Like A Gardener

An inner work exercise: pick a problem, any problem, you’re facing in your life right now… write it down.

Inquire as to whether the problem is being caused by a deeper rooted problem or if that problem is the core problem that can’t be traced any deeper.

If it can be traced deeper, write down that bigger problem and continue until you get to the core.

Next, move in the opposite direction, start at the core problem and string together all of the additional problems that one root problem is causing—creating a roots-of-a-tree looking diagram.

Continue until all of your ideas are exhausted.

Then… study that diagram. Look closely at the impact of that one root problem. Imprint that impact on your mind. Let it soak deeply into your conscious awareness.

Continue this inquisition by imagining, like a gardener tending to the weeds of a garden, how this problem will respond if you remove or “solve” one of the superficial layers… visualize how, with the root still in tact, it’ll just grow back and manifest itself equally, if not stronger, than before.

Then, visualize how the problem will respond when you remove or “solve” the core problem… visualize how, like a weed being yanked out in full, all of the connected problems will be solved, too.

Finish by mentally repossessing all of the energy you normally devote to the solving of superficial layer problems, and vow to unleash ALL of that repossessed energy on the root problem itself.

Sometimes, we feel overwhelmed and outnumbered—not because of the number of problems per se—but, because of our lack of focus on root problems vs superficial problems.

Looking Problems Dead In The Eye

I felt an interesting shift happen in me when I sent out yesterday’s post about NOT being on track with my 2024 goals.

…Like that post in and of itself helped replenish my depleted inner sponge.

…Like admitting I wasn’t perfect at following through on what I initially set out to do freed me in some unexpected way(s).

…Like sharing something imperfectly human like that made me feel more in tune with my imperfect human nature.

…And, most surprisingly, like I can now proceed forward from that “wrung out” slump and begin the process of “refilling” and engaging in additional creation efforts.

It makes me think that this is why we state the challenges we’re facing out loud… so that we can (finally) look them dead in the eye, see them, shape them, feel them, understand them, and begin the process of moving forward from them.

…Rather than allowing them to remain as open processes in the background of our mind that lurk in the shadowy parts of our awareness… sucking life energy from our days that could otherwise be devoted to solving the very things we’re just not clearly stating (and therefore not looking at) as problems.

P.s. I finished uploading quotes from The Prophet. You can read my 18 favorites here.

Got Problems?

…We all do.

And the ones who make it appear as though they don’t or like they don’t have nearly as many as others—still do. They just approach “problems” differently. Here’s how:

1. They solve them. It’s easier now more than ever to avoid, suppress, and distract yourself from problems… those who don’t—the ones who turn towards, confront, and attack their problems—get ahead. If you’re having relationship problems, for example, and a hard conversation is needed… the ones who bite the bullet and have it… get to move on.

2. They exchange them. Not all problems need to be solved. In fact, some problems are better off not being solved and are better off being exchanged for different problems. Why a stranger on the internet commented something nasty on your post, for example, might not be the best use of resources to try and solve. You may be better off dropping that problem altogether and exchanging it for another one… like what gift you can create and post next that’ll add a ton of value to a different internet stranger’s life.

3. They upgrade them. Too many people wait for the promotion in life before they start learning how to solve the next level of problems. When it’s often the case that learning how to solve the next level of problems is precisely how you get the promotion. Figuring out how much change to give someone all day doesn’t have to be it for you… you can start learning new/better skills—the ones your bosses have—and upgrade your way into higher and higher roles… the ones that have better, more interesting problems for you to solve.

Snow Day Creativity

Today, the martial arts school I teach at closed due to weather.

In the spirit of creativity and resilience, we created a Martial Arts Snow Day Scavenger Hunt for the students to do at home with their families.

We’re quite proud of the idea and expect it to lead to some great memories.

The weather might be outside of our control and it may even ruin our plans… but, nothing is stopping us from controlling what’s inside of our control and unleashing the full creativity of our minds at the obstacles in our way.

After all, the obstacles are the way.

Inner Work Prompt: What’s a creative solution you came up with that solved a problem caused by forces outside of your control? What’s a creative solution to a problem you’re currently facing that’s caused by forces outside of your control?

Trust What Keeps Bubbling Up

I try to write ideas down as they occur to me so I don’t forget them.

When I have a bunch of ideas oriented around the same topic, I’ll purposefully back-burner them all and let them simmer.

…Which is exactly what I did when I was trying to pick my focused goals for 2024.

A good signal that an idea might be worth pursuing—above the others competing for your time and attention—is you can’t seem to get it out of your head.

…It keeps resurfacing on walks, during commutes, in the shower, inside conversation, and even while you dream—in an unprompted fashion.

This is a sign that shouldn’t be ignored.

Not even if your conscious mind has more rational ideas about how you should act on your ideas. Because what it means is that your unconscious mind has picked.

And there’s a depth of understanding and insight that the unconscious mind references that the conscious mind only gets to touch—it’s the drop in the ocean vs the ocean itself.

And it would be wise to trust—and at the very least consider—what that deep wisdom is saying.

P.s. Dreams are NOT arbitrary. Dreams are a primary means of communication. Not convinced? Read this.

Using Your Steering Wheel

Life only gets in the way if you’re unable to maneuver around the obstacle(s) it puts in your path.

Once you learn how to turn your life’s steering wheel, suddenly, life doesn’t get in the way so much as it gives you opportunities to build steering skills.

What might turning your life’s steering wheel look like?

  • Doing a light stretching session when getting sick stops you from doing your regular workout.
  • Playing an audiobook during your commute because you overslept and missed your morning reading.
  • Practicing intermittent fasting when traveling because you know the options on the road are going to suck.
  • Cancelling a weekend obligation to spend more time with family when work kept you late on a weekday.
  • Immediately starting a rainy day fund where you save 10ish% of each check to help cover big, unexpected expenses like a broken down car, vet bill, or hospital visit.

As wonderful as the straight, unhindered path might sound—it’s the curved, obstacle-filled path that builds skillful life drivers.

P.s. Today I crossed 12,000 insights uploaded to my quote library…!