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Category: Thinking Clearly

What to do when you’re feeling lost:

  1. Acknowledge that this feeling means you’ve outgrown your old surroundings (physically, mentally, and/or spiritually).
  2. Become acquainted with your new surroundings by courageously stepping into the unknown (it’s the only way to make the unknown, known).
  3. Build connections with anyone and everyone you feel comfortable doing so by initiating conversations (not waiting for conversations to be initiated with you).
  4. Build skills that align with your aptitudes which other people might also find valuable.
  5. Work to make your new surroundings better than you found them. Be helpful. Be kind. Be generous. Be playful. Be loving. Be open-minded. Be inclusive. Be authentic.
  6. Keep exploring, getting lost, and returning to step 1.

P.s. In case you missed it, I shared the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Don’t Look Back?

“Don’t look back—you’re not going that way.”

I disagree.

Looking back is precisely what you need to do if you’re going to keep moving forward in your life.

I’m not saying to dwell. Nor am I saying you should only look back. But, another way to say “looking back” is to reflect.

And careful reflection is key to calibrating your internal compass. You know… the internal compass that tells you which direction is forward in the first place!

What many people don’t realize is that without a properly calibrated internal compass, forward is merely a guess. And guessing isn’t a good strategy for moving forward in life.

I say, look back; reflect carefully; learn from past experiences; become a strategic, forward-moving boss who utilizes insight from their past to expedite their journey forward.

And don’t ever let yourself assume that you know all there is to know about your past.

As you age, grow, mature—the lens through which you look at past experiences will change. And how you understand those experiences will need updating and revising accordingly.

This is why we should keep looking back—all throughout life.

Change the mantra from: “Don’t look back—you’re not going that way.”

To: “Look back occasionally; calibrate; ensure you’re going the right way.”

Read my full rant on this here: Everyone Who Says You Should Never Look Back Is Wrong

Less Time

The more tired you are…

The LOUDER the excuses get.

Prioritize rest.

Even if more rest means less time.

Because more rest also means less wasted time.

And time wasted is the ultimate loss.

The Solution Is Out There

That big, tough problem you’re facing in your life right now?

There’s an answer for that.

And if you’ve spent more than 5 hours thinking about it (and to no avail on a solution)…

Might I suggest reading cover to cover a highly rated book that was created specifically to solve the exact problem you’re facing…?

It’s definitely out there.

And it’ll likely take you less than 5 hours to read.

Obsessed [Poem]

Obsessed with it all
That’s why I won’t settle

Not until every nook
And every cranny
Of every day

Is composed of moments
I can’t wait to recall

Less For Less Anxiety

Wanna know why you feel anxious?

Too many open processes.

You’re doing too much; thinking too much; taking on too much.

What you need is a healthy dose of less.

Less obligation. Less running around. Less distraction.

So that you can focus more on closing what’s already open.

The Busy Strategy

Be so busy showing gratitude, that you forget to complain.

Be so busy producing, that you forget to consume.

Be so busy growing, that you forget to compare.

Be so busy trying, that you forget to criticize.

Be so busy with love, that you forget to hate.

When you get yourself busy with the right things—the rest fades away.