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Category: Thinking Clearly

Sunny/ Seventy Is The Way

The ‘inner weather’ of our mind directly impacts how we get to travel in life.

A sunny/ seventy kind of mentality = full speed ahead.

An overcast/ foggy kind of mentality = which way is even forward?

In life, mental clarity is the sunny day that allows us to unleash our full energy and potential into the journey that lies ahead.

Mental cloudiness is what throttles all of our efforts to that creeping, hazard lights pace that makes the prospect of the journey seem so daunting, confusing, and un-accomplishable.

The good news with our “inner weather” vs the “outer weather” is that we can actually influence our inner weather.

Which is excellent news for the person who is driving 25mph forward on a road that they’re not even sure is correct.

How do we influence/ change our inner weather? By incorporating more of the tasks that lead to mental clarity and removing more of the tasks the lead to mental cloudiness.

Some tasks that lead to mental clarity:

  • Writing
  • Therapy
  • Meditation

Some tasks that lead to mental cloudiness:

  • Click-bait topics
  • Superficial Gossip
  • Busy, distraction-based work

Mental cloudiness is typically the byproduct of passive, modern day living. Click bait bombards you at every turn, superficial gossip is the comfortable/easy form of communication, and busy is essentially society’s status update.

Mental clarity is typically the byproduct of active, rebellious type living. Writing when click bait is buzzing… Therapy when superficial is literally calling your name… Meditation when busy is ingrained into your state of being…

If you want to unleash all of what’s inside, you need to rebel; you need to make space for clarity; you need to clear the fog that’s inside.

Moving Forward In Thought

Sometimes, what your negative/ demeaning/ hateful thoughts need is a freaking way out.

Moving the thought from the head, through the body, to the hand or mouth, and out into paper/ keyboard/ conversation are all excellent strategies.

Nothing fancy required.

No special journals, questions, or prompts… Just plainly writing/ expressing/ sharing what’s on your mind so as to give your mind space from the thing it’s holding.

It’s not always obvious to people that this works.

They think more thinking is what needs to be done. But, what ends up happening is that the brain becomes overwhelmed with remembering—which throttles its thinking ability and essentially handicaps it from coming up with new thoughts (solutions).

By relieving the brain of some of that info, new space is freed up for fresh thinking that’ll eventually lead to either solutions or releasing (which is sometimes all we really need).

Don’t underestimate the power of writing, typing, and discussing what’s on your mind. It’s one of the most powerful means for moving forward in thought.

P.s. I asked: “How do YOU stop negative thinking” on Twitter. Here are the answers. I hope they help. 🌱

Your Job Description:

It is not your job to:

  • Fix other people
  • Do somebody else’s work
  • Solve other people’s problems
  • Carry other people’s burdens
  • Be accessible to others 24/7

Your job is to do you and handle yours

So that you can do some of the above things with pleasure—not resentment.

On Being Unapologetically Yourself

3 Important things happen when you’re NOT unapologetically yourself:

  1. Inner conflict arises because who you are and how you’re presenting are in opposition.
  2. You attract people into your life who vibe with your mask.
  3. You repel people who don’t vibe with your mask (who might be attracted to your authentic self).

3 Important things happen when you ARE unapologetically yourself:

  1. You get to be your unapologetic self (no masks).
  2. You attract people into your life who vibe with the real you.
  3. People who don’t vibe with you will continue on their way.

3 Important things to remember when you are in the midst of being unapologetically yourself:

  1. Not everyone will like it. Good. The ones who don’t—aren’t your tribe (even if you thought they were). Keep vibing unapologetically. Your real tribe won’t make you apologize for being you.
  2. Not everyone you attract will be good additions to your tribe. You’ll need to keep firm boundaries up against energy vampires, energy manipulators, and toxic types.
  3. Attraction works two ways. Don’t just wait for everybody else to attract to you. Take the initiative and follow the flow of your attractions. Sometimes, being unapologetically yourself involves being quiet, shy, and reserved. The same is true in others. Take more risks and reach out to people who you think you’d vibe really well with. Somebody has to take the initiative—might as well bring the control back into your court and let that somebody be you.

I love when my words make people “pensive.” Thank you for the kind words and coffee. This post is dedicated to you. ☕️

The Quiet [Poem]

Never fear the quiet
That comes with the climb

While solitude
Might feel lonely

Elevating your mindset
Raising your vibration
Upgrading your standards
Expanding your vision
Advancing your position
Peaking your mountain

All require leaving
Most of the noise behind

Never fear the quiet
That comes with the climb

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

What higher purpose does this serve?

If it doesn’t—stop doing it.

  • Arguing for your limits?
  • Dwelling on what can’t be changed?
  • Hiding deep in a comfort zone hole?
  • Spending time with energy vampires?
  • Spewing hate/ anger/ disrespect/ toxicity/ blame?

…There just is no place for things like this in a life that lasts but a blink across the span of time.

Rise above the diminishing behaviors. Make your blink a damn good one.

Correctly Deploying Optimism

Being optimistic doesn’t mean you have to be happy all of the time.

In fact, trying to be “happy all of the time” and denying or suppressing all other emotions is a great way to not be happy all of the time.

The real power of optimism comes to light when it’s strategically used to confront the heavier/ tougher emotions that undoubtedly will arise.

Because what optimism gives us is the assurance that things can be improved—that there’s hope for a better tomorrow. And it’s precisely what makes the confronting tolerable.

Much more tolerable than looking at the heavy/tough/hard emotions from a lens of pessimism and telling yourself that it’ll never get better… that it’s hopeless… that there’s no point.

Suffering is a reality. Trying to live as if it’s not is emotional avoidance. Calling emotional avoidance “positive thinking” is toxic for your mental wellbeing.

Deploying an optimistic perspective upon emotionally tough situations is the first, most-important step to solving/ improving upon any undesirable situation. Because it’s precisely what gives you the belief that the problem can actually be solved/ improved upon.

Pessimism won’t do that. Hopelessness won’t do that. Avoidance won’t do that.

And from that solid foundation of a hopeful future, you’ll be able to finally take the deliberate, patient action that’s required for any kind of change to take grip on reality.

Not so that you can be “happy all of the time,” but so that you can contribute all of the time to a better and more enjoyable future: for you, for me, for us.