Yesterday I mentioned a sudden interest in music… and how, at 35 I’m playing around with the idea of playing around with music.
Most people at 35—or in this general age range we’ll say—typically assume they know who they are, what they like/dislike, how they want to live their life, etc…
But, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
As I said yesterday, we are never carved from stone. We are always a river flowing towards something new.
And if you’re paying attention… you might notice some “pulls” in different directions… “pulls” that might very well be worth following…
Here’s what my “pulls” towards music looked like:
- I noticed I get triggered when music is cut without a good fade.
- I prefer to listen to music over podcasts or silence or audiobooks in all of my downtime.
- I’ve been obsessed with DJ tutorial videos and how to seamlessly (and brilliantly) transition one song to the next.
- I’ve adopted a belief (from Burning Man) that music IS the space—oftentimes more so than the space itself… and I’m acutely in tune with the energy and vibe the music being played brings (or should be bringing).
- I’ve experienced first hand the unifying power of music—and how it connects people of all races, religions, colors, creeds, or political affiliations. It is the antithesis—the antidote even—to so much of the division that is only getting worse in everyday life.
Inner Work Prompt: Reflect on the past year of your life. Have there been any “pulls” in your life that might be worth following and creating a space for?