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Tag: Quote Inspired

What’s Your Storm Mentality?

I uploaded a quote today that said, “When fisherman cannot go to sea, they repair their nets. When the sea is too rough to sail, the smart ones don’t wait—they get to work. They mend their nets, sharpen their tools, and prepare for the moment the storm breaks. Because even in stillness, there’s progress…

When you cannot go to the gym… what do you do?

…What about when you cannot prepare the healthy dinner you had planned?

…Or when you cannot devote as much time to your project that you originally intended/needed to?

…What do you do when the storm hits? Do you have a plan? Or do you just throw your hands up in the air and use it as an excuse to cozy up to your comfort zone self? …To revert back to a lower version of yourself? …To turn stillness into regress?

One thing is for sure… the storms will come.

The question for you to reflect on today is… what will be your mentality (and action steps) when it does?

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Gustave Flaubert Quote On Being “Regular and Orderly” To Produce Your Best Work…

“Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”

Gustave Flaubert

Whenever I travel or experience any “violent” changes in routine… my creative work suffers.

…Simply because the time blocked for creative work shrinks in proportion to the amount of time exploring, problem solving, or engaging in unique experiences—expands.

And the days when creative work is the hardest is when I’m doing it at the end of my day, right before bed, when I’m exhausted, and as a last minute obligation because it’s a commitment I want to honor.

…But you know what?

I have yet to regret a post I’ve published.

Even one of the posts I’ve written at 3am after a long night out.

…And you know what’s more?

I have yet to regret an adventure I’ve taken.

If anything, it’s the adventures that have lead to some of my best creative work.

…But you know what most people miss?

It’s the time blocked after the adventures, where I’m able to unpack it all and do some creative work, where the vibrance and meaning of the adventures come to full fruition.

See, it isn’t the “regular and orderly life” that exclusively leads to the “violent and original work” just like it isn’t an adventurous and spontaneous life that would only lead to “regular” work.

It’s the harmony of both elements that we need in our lives: the adventure and the ordinary; the violent and the regular; the spontaneous and the routine.

This is where (and how) our best work lives.

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Craving, Attachment, and Desire

Edgar Allen Poe once said, “All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.”

I want you to take a minute to reflect on the suffering you’re experiencing in your life right now.

…Can you trace the root of the suffering back to one of these causes?

If so, I want you to next identify whether the suffering is a superficial creation done by social media, mass marketing, and/or living in a materialistic culture… or if it’s created from something deeper.

Some suffering is meant to be felt. Heartbreak; loss; wrongdoing… this is the kind of suffering that makes you truly appreciate… that wakes you up to your purpose… that turns your attention inward and forces inner growth.

…And some suffering is completely unnecessary and doesn’t need to be felt at all.

What To Do When You Realize You’re On The Wrong Train

“If you get on the wrong train, get off at the nearest station, the longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be.”

Japanese Proverb

It’s pretty easy to see how this relates to life.

Once you realize you’re on the wrong path—with a person, a behavior, an educational or career path etc.—take action as soon as possible to get off and adjust.


The harder to understand piece to this advice is the “once you realize” part.

…Because it isn’t always immediately obvious that we’re on the wrong train in life. Or what starts out feeling like the right train, slowly and so subtly that we don’t even realize it, becomes the wrong train. Or we miss the station we’re supposed to exit at and board a different train and find ourselves several stations in the wrong direction.

The real key to properly applying this analogy to your life is in understanding how you can stay on top of your realizing.

An excellent place to start is to do your homework up front: Are you sure this train is heading in a direction you want to head? Are you sure this is the best train to get you there? How sure are you that you can trust the sources that are giving you this information?

And an excellent ongoing practice to have once you’ve boarded a train is to do checkpoints along the way: Am I still heading in my ideal direction? Am I sure there isn’t another train that can get me where I want to go faster? Do these landmarks match what the direction of this train promised?

Stepping Into Your Power

“Without resistance to what it is, you’ll feel more in your power.”

…This is a line my friend Nat shared with me when discussing the power of connecting to the present moment and what it can do for your mentality and ability to act—especially during turbulent times filled with change.

How often do we step out of our power, simply because we’re self-sabotaging?

How often do we minimize what we’re able to do because of self-limiting, junk beliefs?

How often do we unknowingly increase the resistance in our lives by arguing against reality and unnecessarily exacerbate situations?

Reality is what it is. It’s unchangeable in this moment. Once you accept this and reallocate your mental resources from what’s out of your control to what’s in… and settle yourself back into the present moment… you just might find yourself, not only stepping into your next moments with less resistance, but into your full power as an infinitely-potentialed human being.

Related: 48 Brianna Wiest Quotes from The Mountain Is You on Self-Sabotage and Healing

Become The Ocean

“If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick every day.”

Leonard Cohen

Try and sail forward without consideration or respect for the almighty waves and winds and depths of the ocean—and you’ll undoubtedly lose.

There is no straight line across an ocean just like there is no straight line across life.

And the more you try and force a straight line or fight the ocean’s almighty currents… the quicker you’ll fatigue, get “seasick,” and fail.

As it is in water: the harder you fight the greater the resistance—so, too, is it in life.

So, don’t fight the ocean and don’t fight life—surrender instead.

And no, I don’t mean give up or quit. Surrender to the forces of the ocean—the forces of life—and learn to align with those forces so you can more smoothly flow.

Learn how to set your sails so the wind is always at your back. Learn how to steer your ship so that the power of the waves is either split down the middle (and mitigated) or aligned with the direction you’re heading anyway. Learn how to rest and recover so that your energy levels are always replenished and ready to be deployed on even the stormiest of days.

In short: learn how to become one with the ocean, as opposed to being a rebellious little ship.

P.s. The above quote was my inner work prompt for the day. What comes to mind for you when you read that quote?

Traveling the Distance

Today, the Martial Arts Association I’m a part of hosted a black belt and higher level degree test for 80 candidates.

Each earned their way onto that testing floor from years and years of consistent hard training and well displayed martial arts culture / respect.

And each outlasting many of their peers who started on the same journey with them. Maybe only 1% makes it all the way from white belt to black belt. And maybe .01% makes it to the higher degrees. Their dedication carried them forward to a place where most never travel.

And so it is with everything we do in life.

There’s nothing wrong with stopping something you’re no longer passionate about or choosing to explore other areas of interest. But, do that too much, and you’ll never get to travel to that place where only the smallest of percentages get to.

What you pick doesn’t matter per se… what matters is that you pick.

And that you give what you pick your absolute best shot… through thick and thin… when it’s sunny outside and when it’s rainy… when you’re feeling lazy and when you’re feeling on top of the world… when you’re feeling low and when you’re feeling unstoppable…

Traveling the distance is what gives us roots. It’s what gives us depth. It’s what gives us wisdom.

Miyamoto Musashi said, “To know ten thousand things, know one well.” …And this is what he means.

Go deep in one specific domain and the rest of the universe reveals itself. Submit to your lazy nature and dilly dally your way from one thing to the next to the next… and you’ll forever only understand what’s on the surface.