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Tag: Analogies

Back To Zero

Before reading this, do a body scan and progressively relax one muscle at a time starting with your forehead and ending with your toes—get your body back to zero percent unnecessary tension.

When done, how much tension would you say you released that you didn’t even realize you were holding?

Well, that tension is the equivalent of you pushing the gas in your parked car.

Multiply that over the course of an entire day—and you can imagine how much energy is being wasted.

The challenge is that tension is often the default, unconscious state—we don’t even realize we’re tensing up when we do!

Go ahead and do another body scan and see how much tension already came back.

…This is why we have to make relaxing a conscious effort.

Both for energy efficiency and bodily health. Tense muscles become brittle—and brittle is prone to injury and disease. Relaxed muscles are flexible—and flexible is healthy and resilient.

Doing a progressive relaxation body scan—regularly—is an excellent strategy.

How can we do this? Here are 3 ideas to get you started:

  1. Set a timer: every time the timer goes off, do a body scan and get back to zero.
  2. Use a trigger: every time your phone rings or buzzes, do a body scan and get back to zero.
  3. Time-block: After each meal of the day, do a body scan and get back to zero.

The goal, like any other habitual practice, is to move relaxed from conscious to unconscious so it becomes more and more our default state.

P.s. In case you missed it, here’s the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week.

Life’s Perfect Seasons

The season you’re in right now—of your life—is perfect.

Just like how winter is the perfect season for bundling up, going sledding, and drinking hot cocoa…

And how summer is the perfect season for swimsuits, beach, and getting your vitamin D on…

Where you are right now… is the perfect place to be. You only have to realize it.

Maybe you’re single, don’t have kids, and work a lot… you could dwell on this or you could see this as the perfect opportunity for spontaneous adventuring and solo tripping.

Maybe you’re in a serious relationship, have kids, and are a stay-at-home parent… you could dwell on this or you could see this as the perfect opportunity for deepening your family’s roots.

Maybe you’re in a “complicated” relationship, the person you’re seeing has a kid, and you have a part-time job… you could dwell on this or you could see this as being the perfect opportunity for introspection and identifying exactly what it is you want (and how you can get it) in life.

Learn to stop seeing the current season you’re in as “wrong/bad/invalid.”

And start asking yourself, “what is this current season I’m in the perfect opportunity for?”

Cursing the current season because you want to be in another is an excellent way to never be happy.

Maybe it’s time we stop trying to control seasons and start embracing the one we’re currently in.

P.s. If this is your first email from me and you joined a while ago… I apologize. There was an email import error I just became aware of. Here’s a backlog of the daily posts you might’ve missed. And welcome to the squad :)

On Pie

The thing about overnight success, early virality, and winning lotteries…

Is that it gives you some pie…

But, no recipe.

The goal isn’t to just have pie…

The goal is to become a damn good chef.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

The Usefulness Of Short Sprints

What do you do when you reach a ditch in the road that you can’t quite step over?

You back up; get a good running start; and jump it.

So does it work in life.

Staring at a ditch? …Staring doesn’t help.

Take a couple steps back, elevate your thinking, get a running start, and jump it.

Sometimes the way forward is backward. Sometimes we need to temporarily commit to an elevated pace to finally clear the ditch we’ve been staring at in its face. Sometimes what’s needed… is a short sprint.

P.s. “Backwards” doesn’t mean more hustle. “Backwards” has much more to do with the opposite.

Inner vs Outer Healing

Surface level cuts might only require time to heal.

Deeper cuts will require more than that.

  • Ointment/ Prescription medications
  • Band aids/ Gauze/ Stitches
  • Surgery

As it is with inner healing.

Some surface level pains may only need time.

But, the deeper pains will require more active solutions.

  • Meditation / Time Away / Soul Searching
  • Prescriptive Reading / Introspective Writing
  • Group/Individual Therapy

Give your deep cuts only time to heal and they will likely become infected (and worsen).

By matching the proper prognosis to the severity of the (inner) pain, you’ll maximize your ability (and minimize the time it takes) to heal.

This starts by being completely honest with yourself or, better yet, getting an objective perspective about the severity of your inner pains; understanding the prognosis for each; and finding a way to take the proper actions in spite of the resistance you’re bound to face.

As hard as inner healing might be… it always beats infected inner wounds that you’re forced to face because of their un-ignorable severity. This is never a better route.

The Self-Belief Producing Business

It’s hard to take action of any kind when you don’t believe in yourself.

Just like it’s hard to start a business of any kind when you don’t have the resources yourself.

One strategy that has helped countless people start their businesses, however, is borrowing resources from others (like a bank) and paying them back later.

We can do the same thing with belief.

We can borrow belief from others, like a loan of sorts, that gives us the boost we need to take the action; to get the results (and hopefully successes); to build the confidence; to start the self-belief generating process on our own.

The absolute key to doing this is to surround ourselves with people who believe in the human potential. Growth-minded individuals who know that with alignment, action, effort, guidance, and reflection—great things are possible (no matter how inept a person might seem). People who will be there for us in victory AND defeat—because defeat is inevitable on the journey upward and teaches us lessons that victory never could.

Find your people and use their belief in you (or the human spirit) until you’re able to create your own self-sustaining self-belief producing business.

Then, pay off your loan (with gratitude and belief back into others), continue on the path, and let your belief “profits” give you the inner resources you need to chase whole-heartedly your wildest dreams.

I sip on coffee while I write these. If you enjoy these posts, you can support my future work by supplying me with one of my next cups of joe here. ☕️

Sunny/ Seventy Is The Way

The ‘inner weather’ of our mind directly impacts how we get to travel in life.

A sunny/ seventy kind of mentality = full speed ahead.

An overcast/ foggy kind of mentality = which way is even forward?

In life, mental clarity is the sunny day that allows us to unleash our full energy and potential into the journey that lies ahead.

Mental cloudiness is what throttles all of our efforts to that creeping, hazard lights pace that makes the prospect of the journey seem so daunting, confusing, and un-accomplishable.

The good news with our “inner weather” vs the “outer weather” is that we can actually influence our inner weather.

Which is excellent news for the person who is driving 25mph forward on a road that they’re not even sure is correct.

How do we influence/ change our inner weather? By incorporating more of the tasks that lead to mental clarity and removing more of the tasks the lead to mental cloudiness.

Some tasks that lead to mental clarity:

  • Writing
  • Therapy
  • Meditation

Some tasks that lead to mental cloudiness:

  • Click-bait topics
  • Superficial Gossip
  • Busy, distraction-based work

Mental cloudiness is typically the byproduct of passive, modern day living. Click bait bombards you at every turn, superficial gossip is the comfortable/easy form of communication, and busy is essentially society’s status update.

Mental clarity is typically the byproduct of active, rebellious type living. Writing when click bait is buzzing… Therapy when superficial is literally calling your name… Meditation when busy is ingrained into your state of being…

If you want to unleash all of what’s inside, you need to rebel; you need to make space for clarity; you need to clear the fog that’s inside.