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Painfully Slow

Healing isn’t just about confronting what others have done to you…

It’s about confronting yourself—and the role YOU play in your own suffering.

Sometimes the one is what leads to the other.

But also, it’s the other that leads to the one.

As an example, when I was 10 people made fun of my weight.

For years after, I became my own worst critic.

My self-talk was hateful, demeaning, and hurtful.

But, then I started Martial Arts; and MoveMe Quotes; and daily writing—and a slew of other things that allowed me to confront that inner critic.

…And quiet him the hell up.

…Or maybe better said: gave him new, constructive, optimistic things to focus on and talk about.

Day-by-day, it didn’t feel like much was changing. Not when I would kick and punch for an hour; not when I collected quotes for an hour; and not when I started writing for an hour.

But, today? After 20+ years of kicking punching? 12+ years of collecting quotes? 2+ years of writing daily?

…Let’s just say that if Old Me and New Me sat down for a cup of joe… neither would recognize the other.

This is how healing works. Painfully slow and like nothing is changing day-by-day… until one day, you look back and it’s all different.

P.s. I sip on coffee while I write these. If you enjoy these posts, you can support my future work by supplying me with one of my next cups of joe.

Published inArchivesHealing Not HealedTransforming Pain