A friend shared an experience she had in her martial arts class the other night.
She partnered up with a new student and just before they started the designated drill, the new student said, “You go first… you’re the expert. My coordination is so bad.”
My friend said that comment hit her like a ton of bricks.
…Really bad coordination was why she started.
And after just having recently gotten her black belt… to hear, “You’re the expert” felt… shocking.
From one perspective, this friend probably still feels very much like the same poorly coordinated girl who showed up to her first martial arts class all those years ago…
But from another perspective, this friend also accumulated hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of martial arts classes which has trained her body otherwise.
The reminder for me from this is a simple, but powerful one.
Day by day… nothing changes. But when you look back after a while… everything is different.
The key is to never underestimate the power of small choices made over extended periods of time.
…The decisions to eat one less treat or one more healthy item.
…The decisions to take class on days when you’re leaning towards couch cozying instead.
…The decisions to read or listen to audiobooks instead of binge watch passive entertainment.
Big sweeping changes made in a day rarely make a difference over the course of a life.
…But the little things done daily??
It’s hard to find a lasting formula that makes a greater difference.