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One-To-One Influence

Before asking me what I’ve learned from 35 years of life, my dad gave a beautiful toast that featured some of his thoughts about me.

And one thing he said impressed him the most was how long I’ve been doing the important work of impacting lives—not on a “one-to-many” basis—but on a “one-to-one” basis.

This blog is a “one-to-many” form of influence/impact.

I know I’ve influenced/impacted the lives of some of the people who have read these posts.

…But, I also know I’ve influenced/impacted the lives of those whom I’ve connected with on a one-to-one basis and over an extended period of time… more.

As is how one would expect it to be.

Which isn’t to say one form of influence/impact is better than another per se.

…Who’s to say having a noticeable, but relatively small impact on 100 people is less than a comparatively big impact on one person? Or vice versa?

It’s merely a reminder to not forget about the tremendous opportunity hidden inside the “just one person” whom you cross paths with each day.

Modern society will have you brainwashed into believing that number of followers and amount of engagement determines your influence on people/society.

And, like with many things, modern society is mostly wrong.

In a world where most everybody is trying to be the “one-to-many” influencer… swim the other way… and be the one who doesn’t miss an opportunity to make a comparatively massive impact on “just one.”

…When honestly, that’s who needs it the most.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love