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Not Me Justifying Not Doing Laundry

Doing the laundry isn’t the issue for me… it’s the folding and putting everything back in the proper drawers that gets me. And so I’ll often procrastinate.

On the plus side, this forces me to take a closer look at the clothes that get left for me to pick from (definitely not me trying to justify my procrastination 🙃).

My new rule is this: if I’m not willing to wear it, or I put it on and immediately want to take it back off… it’s gone. I throw it into my Goodwill pile so I can donate it to somebody who will actually wear it.

There’s no reason to hold onto something that I’m not going to use. And the reality is, holding onto old clothes that you never wear, weighs you down. If you’re going to procrastinate on returning your clean clothes to your shelves, at least don’t procrastinate on lightening your load when the ideal time for removing what you evidently don’t wear presents itself.

Published inArchivesFeeling FulfilledLiving Well