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Not Feeling Like Yourself?

Try removing yourself from ALL current sources of outside influence (e.g. media, friends, parents) and write.

Write like hell.

Write everything that’s circling in your mind.

Then, re-read what you wrote and write whatever else comes to mind from those writings.

Then, just sit in the quiet for a while… pay attention to your wandering mind.

See if anything else comes up.

If it does, write all of whatever that is out, too.

Continue this process until the sediments of your mind have settled—maybe not completely… but, enough. Enough to have gained some clarity over the situation.

Then, look with fresh eyes at what was causing you to not feel like yourself.

And act accordingly.

Lesson: it’s hard to know what’s affecting you when you’re in the middle of the affecting environment. You need to remove yourself and purge your mind so that you can look back at the environment(s) you were in with fresh eyes.

P.s. I also published: Feeling Lost? Phil Stutz Says Don’t Try To Figure It Out. Here’s Why:

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly