One of my all star employees is getting back surgery this coming Monday.
He’s scheduled to be out for 3 months minimum.
Then, he needs to get both hips replaced.
…Scheduling him out for another 6 months after that.
It’s one of those bitter sweet moments where we’re sad he’s going to be out for so long because of how much of a light and anchor he is—but we’re also so glad he’s getting the work done he needs to get out of the chronic pain he has been in.
It’s one of those reminders to truly appreciate what you have before it’s gone.
…And it’s a reminder I’d like to pass off to you to reflect on today.
Who is the “light” of your day? What would life be like if they were gone?
Who is an “anchor”—a source of stability and consistency—in your life? How would your day feel without that anchor there?
What items, systems, modern inventions do you rely on heavily that make your days better/easier/more enjoyable? Imagine what your life would be like without them.
We visualize life without these people and things, not to be morbid or to make us sad, but so that we can revitalize the appreciation we have for them while they’re still here… So that we can more truly express these feelings towards them and fully enjoy all that they do for us without taking it/them for granted.
P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.