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Laughing At Fart Noises

Sitting at dinner the other night with some associates, we overheard a group of young teenagers making fart noises and laughing.

Most of the people around (myself included) rolled their eyes and gave that “grow up” kind of look.

One, however, looked at them, slowly took on a face of awe and said, “Man, I miss the days when I could just laugh at fart noises.”

And it was amazing to see how quickly those faces of disapproval melted away.

What a beautiful thing it is, indeed, to be so free of intruding thoughts, overbearing feelings of stress, and learned “adult” behaviors that you’re able to laugh at something so pure and rudimentary.

Maybe the eyes rolled should be turned the other way around.

Maybe instead of growing up, we should be looking for ways we can grow “down.”

Maybe being able to laugh at fart noises is illustrative of an understanding much deeper that many of us modernized, indoctrinated type folks are willing to admit or explore…

P.s. For those who look for it every Sunday, I wasn’t able to get the MoveMe Weekly email done for today. I’ll finish it and get it sent out tomorrow.

Published inArchivesHappiness and JoyLiving Well