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Insist On Fresh

No day should pass without fresh content for your mind to wrestle with.

And no, I don’t mean social media posts consisting of selfies and superficial intentions. I mean content that’s been carefully observed and documented within the pages of a book, scenes of a documentary, or bites of a podcast—starting, maybe, with the highest rated ones.

There is too much certified fresh content hidden with pages, scenes, and bites that’s just waiting to paint color inside the sometimes graying and dull walls of your mind. Not because we’re graying and dull, but because we prioritize too heavily comfort and oftentimes unknowingly submit to a type of color-draining redundancy.

We must insist on something fresh every day. Whether that comes from new experiences lived or past experiences shared carefully from others. Otherwise, gray becomes our reality.

P.s. I share fresh insights daily from the pages, scenes, and bites that I consume. To read those, you can bookmark and check-in regularly with this page.

Published inArchivesExperiential LivingLiving Well