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How To Change People

…You don’t.

People can’t be changed.

They can only choose to change themselves.

What you can do is influence them to choose to change.

What that doesn’t mean: force your influence down their throat.

What that looks like: unsolicited advice; ceaselessly checking to see if they’re following your advice; becoming emotionally invested in their choices.

What unforced influence looks like: living your best life; sharing what you learn with those interested along the way; letting people do with your advice what they may—and not taking any decision(s) personally.

Here’s the thing: other people aren’t yours to change.

Let them choose to live how they may—it’s their life.

The only person you should ever be trying to change is yourself.

Which is, paradoxically, exactly how you best change others.

Published inArchivesInspiring OthersLiving Well