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Getting Back Up

My grandmother, 88 years old, fell down yesterday while pulling a big weed from her backyard.

It was one of those: yank, won’t budge… yank, won’t budge… yank, won’t budge… yank, pops out all at once… kind of weeds.

Being that she still lives on her own, falling down abruptly like that can lead to serious consequences… especially when falling straight onto her back and not having anything around to grab onto to help her get back up.

But, fortunately, there weren’t any serious consequences and she was able to get back up on her own.

And hearing her celebrate that victory today, of being able to get back up without anything around to grab onto, was a sobering reminder to not take that simple act for granted.

In fact, it is always a triumphant moment when we rise back up after having fallen onto our backs—be it in the morning as we rise from bed, during the day as we rise from having crashed on the couch, or in the situation where we fell or were knocked down or were depressed—finding the strength inside to get back up again is what living triumphant lives are made up of.

…May you continue to find that strength for many years to come.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesFailing ForwardThinking Clearly