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Excusing Self-Discipline

During holidays, it’s typical to excuse self-discipline in the spirit of presence, relaxation, and—of course—indulgence.

We work so damn hard every other day, we deserve to have a day off to just… not do that, eh?

And I am no outlier from this mentality. I skipped my morning workout and spent the whole day lounging around with family, opening gifts, watching football, and eating way more food than what would’ve left me comfortably full.

Today’s post isn’t about not doing that—it’s healthy to balance in a little indulgence on occasion.

Today’s post is a reminder to not turn one day of indulgence into one week (or more) of indulgence.

Because what your ego is going to argue is: it’s pretty much still the holidays… can’t just not eat these leftovers… already this far off track who cares now… might as well just let this ride until the new year hits… I’ve worked hard all year, I deserve this whole week… etc.

And the problem with going from one day to one week off track (or longer) is that you’re going from one blip in your lifestyle to… a whole new lifestyle.

And recovering from a blip is a helluva lot easier than recalibrating a whole new trajectory.

So before you write yourself off for the rest of the year… consider today your new year.

And keep your trajectory calibrated as is before it’s too late.

P.s. My “Direction Altering” Guide is on sale for just a few more days. Learn more here.

Published inArchivesBeing DisciplinedLiving Well