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Do What Works—Not What’s Supposed To Work

Your meditations, mantras, principles, ideals, self-improvement practices, etc. are only as good as what they’re able to get you to actually do.

In other words:

  • Your meditation is only as good as the amount of time it helps you to stay present.
  • Your mantras are only as good as the mindsets they’re able to keep you in.
  • Your principles are only as good as the actions they remind you to take and abstain from.
  • Your ideals are only as good as the life destinations they’re able to actually keep in the forefront of your mind.
  • Your self-improvement practices are only as good as the growth they’re able to yield over an extended period of time.

Said differently yet again, whatever works—in their ability to help you deal with life challenges—is what you should keep working.

…Not what the most popular influencer says you should do; not what the world’s best athlete recommends; not what your bff swears by… what works.

Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t try what you’re inspired to try.

It’s merely to say, trust what has a history of getting done—not just once or for a short sprint of time… but time and again over a longer period of time… a period of time that matches the amount of time you’ll be met with challenges from life…

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well