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Detaching From Productivity

There should be at least one day in your week where you’re able to purely go with the flow.

No obligations; no mandatory tasks; no appointments—just time to do whatever your soul desires.

Sunday is that day for me.

I chronically have a ton of stuff on my to-do list and could easily work from sun up to sun down trying to get it all done every day of the week if I wanted to. But, on Sundays, I practice detaching from my productivity focused mind and practice opening myself up to opportunities for flow that present themselves.

Because while checking a handful of items off my to-do list will undoubtedly feel good, honoring the pull of my soul will ultimately feel better. Which isn’t to say to-do lists should always be ignored. It’s simply to say—that’s what the other six (or whatever ratio works for you) days are for.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly