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Day 1,000

Today marks 1,000 days of daily writing. (!)

And what an incredible journey it has been.

The most important lesson I have learned along the way is how beneficial daily writing is for my mental health.

Each day I would sit to write, I gave myself permission (and the space) to process feelings, clarify thoughts, and reflect on experiences.

Pre-daily-writing I didn’t have this.

And now, I can’t imagine my mental state without it.

If you don’t already have a space in your life for processing feelings, clarifying thoughts, and reflecting on experiences, I can tell you right now, your mental state is being affected.

The benefits I have received have changed my life and I’m convinced that if you start a practice of your own—it’ll change your life as well.

This doesn’t have to be as committed as my process is (although, it certainly could be). It can be simple, private, pen-and-paper, and just a few minutes each day or week.

Don’t underestimate the power of daily writing.

It could very well be the answer you’ve been looking/ hoping/ waiting/ searching/ praying for.

P.s. I shared on twitter 25 Lessons Learned from 1,000 Days of Daily Writing. Enjoy :)

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