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Curveballs Never Come At Good Times

…And without missing a beat, life throws a curveball my way two days after the launch of my new guide and breaks my website.

Hopefully it’s fixed by the time you read this, but when you click on that above link, at the time of this writing, you get the dreaded “404 error message.” And not only on that page… but on EVERY PAGE OF MY WEBSITE (except the homepage).

Which means, of course, that everybody who tries to “Learn More” about the guide from all of the sharing I’ve done, will be met with a 404 error page instead.

…And then likely click away and forget about it altogether.

Not to mention all the people who were hoping to read one of my blogs, collected quotes, or short stories who will be met with the same.

And it is in this state of frustration that I am reminded of two timeless lessons:

(1) Expect curveballs — especially when you least want them. That way, if they don’t come, it’ll be cause for celebration! And if they do, well… you were expecting them

(2) Relax — I did what I could do. I contacted my IT team. They got to work on it. And they’re going to send me updates. There’s nothing else I can do (short of learn the entire inner workings of a website and try to fix this issue myself—a task requiring hundreds if not thousands of hours of learning). And while updates every 12-24 hours sounds awfully long, it pales in comparison to that alternative.

Curveballs never come at good times.

But, it’s always a good time to practice adjusting to the curveballs that are thrown.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly