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Consider What Might Be Possible

I got an email from a local yoga studio today.

They’re hosting a yogathon which features a two hour yoga class.

At first thought, two hours might sound like a really long timeā€”and you might think back to the times when you took a 45 minute or 1 hour class and were deaddddddd.

And because of that you might count yourself out and resolve to do things that are more within the ol’ comfort zone.

But towards the end of the email, they included this line: “Before you count yourself out, consider what might be possible if you didn’t!”

…And what a powerful line that is.

Before you turn up the volume on your self-limiting beliefs, consider turning up the volume on this other, just as easily accessible, channel.

The channel that asks you to consider what might be possible if you didn’t count yourself out… what might happen if you did show up and try your best… what you might learn about yourself and how your life might change if you stepped into this extraordinary opportunity…

…And I’m no longer talking about the yogathon.

I’m talking about every extraordinary opportunity you’re offered in life.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesSelf-Limiting BeliefsThinking Clearly