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Complete Tasks Completely

Some tasks build competence and some build character.

Clearly distinguishing which type of task you’re in helps tremendously in the doing of the task completely.

The problem I see too often is character building tasks are resented, rushed through, outsourced, automated, or just plain ignored. And competence building tasks are done half-assedly—with distractions galore, via accelerated means (2x playback speed), and in hopes of becoming a master minus the hours.

It’s a whole bunch of tasks being done minus the deliberate which equals… wasted time.

…When all that’s needed is a little extra attention to reap full benefits from (and this is the key) the things you’re already doing.

This is why it can feel like what you’re doing isn’t enough… because you’re not present enough; why you can feel unproductive even when you’re busy as ever… because you’re not fully doing any of your tasks; why you can feel stagnant even when you’re checking off all the items on your “supposed to-do lists…” because growth comes from the deliberate that’s missing when you’re hurrying.

The trick isn’t in the realigning of everything in your day… it’s in the realigning of the how you’re doing what you’re already doing in your day.

When you’re doing a character building task like washing dishes, folding laundry, cleaning up trash… be there. Don’t rush; do the work slowly. Don’t think about finishing; flex that self-discipline muscle and focus on correctly.

When you’re doing a competence building task like studying, training, or practicing… be there. Don’t try to expedite the process; take your time. Don’t hurry; do it deliberately. Try to truly absorb the material and flex that patience muscle.

Complete tasks completely.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly