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Black-And-White > Gray

When it comes to habit change… “black-and-white” rules are much better than “gray” rules.

  • “I don’t drink” hits way different than “I’m trying to drink less.”
  • “I’m vegan” is much clearer than “I eat 100% vegan, 80% of the time.”
  • “No phones in the bedroom” is far more helpful than “I’m cutting back on screen time.”

It’s hard to draw a line in a gradient of gray. And drawing clear lines is what habit change is all about.

My advice is commit 100% to whatever you’re trying to change or change the habit you’re trying to change to something you can commit to 100% of the time.

On Thursday, July 28th, I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat on Twitter on the Art of Stillness—and why/how stillness can help us live better lives. Join me if you’re free/ interested. Details here.

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well