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Believe The Act

If somebody says they love you, but acts like they don’t… believe the act.

If somebody says they’re trustworthy, but acts two-faced and shady… believe the shady.

If somebody says they’re hardworking, but whines at sight of hard work… believe the whine.

If somebody says they’re humble, but obsessively tries to steal the spotlight… believe the stealing.

If somebody says family is the most important, but scoffs when you say you’re prioritizing family over work… believe the scoff.

What’s funny is that the people who act in contradiction to what they say might actually believe what they’re saying. But, what YOU should believe is how they act. Always.

P.s. Tomorrow, I’m emailing the BEST of what was posted to MoveMe Quotes last week. To start getting these gems delivered to your inbox for free, subscribe here.

Published inArchivesBeing Action OrientedLiving Well