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Become The Ocean

“If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick every day.”

Leonard Cohen

Try and sail forward without consideration or respect for the almighty waves and winds and depths of the ocean—and you’ll undoubtedly lose.

There is no straight line across an ocean just like there is no straight line across life.

And the more you try and force a straight line or fight the ocean’s almighty currents… the quicker you’ll fatigue, get “seasick,” and fail.

As it is in water: the harder you fight the greater the resistance—so, too, is it in life.

So, don’t fight the ocean and don’t fight life—surrender instead.

And no, I don’t mean give up or quit. Surrender to the forces of the ocean—the forces of life—and learn to align with those forces so you can more smoothly flow.

Learn how to set your sails so the wind is always at your back. Learn how to steer your ship so that the power of the waves is either split down the middle (and mitigated) or aligned with the direction you’re heading anyway. Learn how to rest and recover so that your energy levels are always replenished and ready to be deployed on even the stormiest of days.

In short: learn how to become one with the ocean, as opposed to being a rebellious little ship.

P.s. The above quote was my inner work prompt for the day. What comes to mind for you when you read that quote?

Published inArchivesDoing What's HardLiving Well