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The full collection of explorations.

Discontent Is A Bad Guide

The byproduct of desire is discontentment.

You cannot be discontent AND happy.

But, you CAN be content and focused on growth.

Don’t let discontent guide your life—it’s miserable.

Focus on what fills you up instead.

And let your curiosity, enthusiasm, and generosity lead the way.

Reverse Gratitude

Gratitude is usually about appreciating all that we have.

What if, to take gratitude further, we appreciated all that we didn’t have, too?

Things like:

  • Sicknesses/diseases/disorders
  • Greed/envy/wrath
  • War/crime/hate

This exercise will at least 100x your gratitude list.

Not that it needed any extending in the first place.


Without it, we could go years thinking we’re on track, only to realize we spend all that time moving in the wrong direction.

How to build self-awareness?

Well, let’s not complicate this—you simply have to spend time turning your awareness onto your self.

A good way to guide this practice is to work your way through some tough, meaningful questions. Some of which might include:

  • What are my most important priorities? Is how I’m spending my time reflective of what’s most/least important to me? Where am I spending too much/not enough time?
  • Am I enjoying the work that I’m doing? Or am I using work as a means to get to an end? How can I focus more on the means and less on the ends?
  • How can I simplify my life? How can I add more meaning to my life? How can I accelerate my personal growth? How can I remove desire and add presence?

A few minutes per day sure beats losing a few years in the wrong direction.

Live Unbroken [Poem]

our real nature
isn’t to live unbroken.

our real nature
is to continuously break down
until all that’s left
is what's real.

You Aren’t Doing Negative Self-Talk Right.

Game changer: add “up until now…” to any and all negative self-talk.

  • [Up until now] I’m lazy and gross.
  • [Up until now] My self-control sucks.
  • [Up until now] I have no idea what I’m doing with my life.

Because now, that version of you is in the past.

Negative self-talk might come from a seemingly inevitable negative reality, but the only thing inevitable is your continued negative reality if you don’t change how you talk to yourself.

You will never outperform your self-image.

Now is as good of a time as any to change it.

The Crux Of Growth

Everybody wants what they don’t have.

Don’t be everybody.

When you want what you already have, you close the loop.

You can finally focus on enjoying rather than having to constantly bear the feeling of lacking.

When you choose contentment, the byproduct is happiness.

When you choose discontentment, the byproduct is unhappiness.

Let growth come from your happiness, don’t let unhappiness become the crux of your growth.

“I’m Fine.”

First sign that you’re suppressing emotions?

“I’m fine.”

…When you’re not.

Let’s normalize saying how you *actually* feel when someone asks how you’re doing.