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Ego vs. Self

Underneath all of the loud, invasive, and pushy mental chatter is a voice that’s quiet, subtle, and powerful beyond measure.

That quiet voice is our authentic, “capital S” Self.

The loud, obnoxious voice is our Ego.

The Ego is hyper-comparative, is easily manipulated by outside influences, and desperately seeks control over the mind.

The Self is comparison-resistant, requires a deep impression for change from an outside source, and (fundamentally speaking) is the mind underneath all of the noise from the Ego.

It is as though the Self is the news of the world and the Ego is the news network that reports primarily for ratings.

Let the Ego take control and you get never ending BREAKING NEWS cycles, short-lived (and quickly irrelevant) urgent stories, and “if it bleeds it leads.”

Let the Self guide you and you get deeply insightful stories, long-lived “evergreen” type content, and “the truth will set you free.”

The interplay between these two forces is ever-present and plays a significant role in how we experience daily life.

The Ego, when left unattended, will operate exclusively for ratings. And all ratings without a depth of content makes for a very superficial, flaky news network.

The Self, without the presence of an Ego, will operate exclusively for depth and truth. Which has its own drawbacks. Because all depth and no ratings (appeal to an audience) makes for a very small time news network.

The ideal is a type of harmonious relationship between the two.

We start by building a solid foundation of truth, identity, and understanding of the Self and then use the Ego (without letting it use us) to serve those truths in powerful, appealing ways.


Maybe great moods
Aren't something we arrive in
Maybe they're something we figure out.

Maybe great days
Aren’t something we have
Maybe they’re something we make.

Maybe great lives
Aren't something we're born with
Maybe they're something we create with what we're given.

Life In A Memory (Or Two)

One day we’ll just be memories.

Scattered amongst the brains of the world.

Act today the way you want to be remembered in those brains.

For when it comes down to it, that’s how your whole life will be summarized.

Within the confines of just a few memories.

From just a few brains who contain the most potent ones.

And today could be the day that you leave the gift of a potent memory (or two) behind.

It certainly couldn’t hurt to act like it anyway.

Planting Dreams [Poem]

The day you plant the seed
Is not the day the seed grows

The month after you plant the seed
Is not the day the fruit shows

It isn't until many years later
That seed turns to tree
And tree bears its fruit

Which will never happen of course
If you fail to help that seed
Firmly take root

Water, soil, sun
Energy, attention, love
This is the way to fruition

Any attempt to manipulate
Nature's already perfect pace
Is to misunderstand the mission

Forcing fruit from seed
Removing essentials for growth
Is to put Mother herself, arrogantly underneath

Bring yourself down
To the level of your seeds
And commit to the process of helping them breathe

Otherwise why go through the trouble
Of rushing, yelling, planning
And doing the extreme

When all of that rash action
Forces holes into gravesites
Rather than the foundation of dreams.

Modern Day Alchemy

Somebody give you a dirty look? Give somebody else a smile.

Somebody cut you off in traffic? Let somebody else skip you in line at the store.

Somebody sent you a hateful message? Send somebody else a loving one.

In a world where “more of the same” can make things so much worse—choose to do modern day alchemy instead.

And become an alchemist of human emotion.

Skills Pretending To Be Attitudes

  • Creative / Un-creative
  • Courageous / Shy
  • Disciplined / Undisciplined
  • Trustworthy / Deceitful
  • Open-minded / Closed-minded
  • Vulnerable / Invulnerable

Don’t get it twisted.

What most people think of as innate attitudes are very much so learned skills.