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The Biggest Lie In The Health/Fitness Industry

The biggest lie in the health/fitness industry is: I can get your body if I do exactly what you do.

Here’s the thing: even if I eat exactly what you eat… not eat exactly when you don’t eat… exercise exactly as you exercise… sleep exactly as you sleep… step exactly as you step…

…I’ll still only ever have different versions of my body.

Which isn’t meant to be disheartening; it’s meant to be liberating.

This whole copy-paste attractive people routines in order to look like them is not only misleading… but wildly unmotivating. Why? Because we never arrive exactly to what we see.

Time and time again, we see posts that promise quick fixes, fast results, and hard work hacks with the unsaid promise being: and you’ll get to where I am.

But the reality is: that person is built differently. And so are you. And to follow these quick fix routines, hustle through fast tracks, and hack away over and over again only to end up right back where you started… said plainly: sucks.

The liberating part of this post is this: so stop feeding those ideas into your mind.

Purge your feeds. Delete the apps. Unfollow the copy-and-paste-to-become-me-fluencers.

And focus on you. Where you are. Where you’re heading. And how you can do a little better today than you did yesterday. Not in inches, pounds, or calories. But, in time invested, effort given, and days in a row.

See, a beautiful thing happens when you stop feeding your mind misleading ideas… you get to begin the truthful journey forward minus the yo-yo-ing. And that’s the journey that’ll carry you forward for life.

Published inArchivesHealth and FitnessLiving Well